#Sentiments and market volatility
Over some weeks now, the sentiment index(fear and greed) has been biased toward the fear zone; moving from green to orange and approaching red(currently at 30).
This gives a general overview of how people are feeling in the crypto markets. The current zone indicates an overselling of assets. People are selling over the fear of reducing losses or stopping their losses. Many assets especially newly listed ones will experience this shock since they are now finding their bearing.
Sentiments are driven by impatience and the risk attitude of investors among other factors. That means that technical analysis can fail at any time (human behaviour ain't technical at this point), so keep a clear mind when investing taking into account that you can incur a loss in the current market. #DYOUR
The market will surely improve so be calm, use the opportunity to educate yourself and reinvent your investment strategies. A bull follows a bear and a bear follows a bull and the cycle repeats itself over and over again.