After the spread and success of Telegram bots such as NotCoin and HMSTR, the largest airdrop on Binance, many bots spread. The problem is that most of them are not reliable. I will give you a list of bots that caught your attention because of their association with reliable parties.
(The article will be updated continuously 🔥🚀)
Moonbix: Another project worth noting is a Telegram bot from Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange. After noticing the success of apps like NotCoin on Telegram, Binance decided to get involved by launching this bot. It was also announced that Binance’s BNB blockchain will be integrated with Telegram, and free coins will be distributed via Moonbix to attract more users. The only downside here is that the project may attract a huge number of users, which may reduce the size of the rewards, but since Binance supports it, the rewards are likely to be worth a try.