Robots are machines that, unlike you, do not waste their lives on endless excuses, laziness and self-pity. Of course, you can continue to believe that your "uniqueness" and "creativity" will save you from automation, but let's face it: robots have long been doing your job better, faster and without your constant whining about "burnout" and "underpayment".
You sit, stare at the screen, drink your third soy latte in an hour, and the robot has already earned your salary for 20 years on the stock exchange, packed a hundred packages and did not even break a sweat. He does not have a family to feed, no depression due to loans, and certainly will not complain about life in the smoking room. He just works, while you waste time on meaningless smoke breaks and procrastination.
And you know what's most offensive? He does not even need to be paid a salary. He doesn't get tired, doesn't get sick, doesn't need a vacation. He just does it.
The world has been moving forward for a long time, and robots are not the future, they are the present. And you? You are just an atavism that will soon be out of work - think
#dream #Кам #TRUE