#Neiro_๐ begins to drop in price, it is advisable to buy between 0.00165 and 0.0016. If you are attentive to the changes and it continues to drop, remember that it can also rise. The crypto market is volatile, it goes up and down. Always buy in parts, investing between 25% to 30% of the amount of money you want to invest. Never invest 100% because if it continues to drop, you can keep buying. To sell, make sure it gives you profit. If you buy 100 dollars, earning 5 to 7 dollars is enough. Do not be ambitious in wanting to earn 35 to 45 dollars with small investments. With a profit of 100, you will have 100 + 5 or 7 dollars, which means you can continue investing with 105 or 107 and earn between 6 to 8 dollars. With a base of 100, you will have a net gain of between 13 to 15 dollars, meaning a 13 to 15% return on your investment. I leave this advice for new users; those of us who have been around for a while already know how to invest and how much money to allocate to each coin. Always buy several coins to achieve better results in profits. Well, I will go swimming for a while; it is really hot in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Greetings and success to all. I will leave buy and sell orders for some coins as I will be absent for a couple of hours, then I will return.