Liquity Price (LQTY)

1 Liquity equals Rp15,447.46 IDR-0.84%1D
Page last updated: 2025-02-17 21:53 (UTC+0)
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Price of LQTY today

The live price of Liquity is Rp15,447.46 per (LQTY / IDR) with a current market cap of Rp1,460.26B IDR. 24-hour trading volume is Rp465.19B IDR. LQTY to IDR price is updated in real-time. Liquity is -0.84% in the last 24 hours with a circulating supply of 94.53M.
LQTY Price History IDR
Date ComparisonAmount Change% Change
30 DaysRp-14,853.17-49.02%
60 DaysRp-12,740.90-45.20%
90 DaysRp-2,596.91-14.39%

LQTY Market Information

24h Low & High
Low: Rp15,127.14
High: Rp15,941.98
The highest and lowest price paid for this asset in 24 hours.
All Time High
The highest price paid for this asset since it was launched or listed.
Price Change (1h)
The percentage change in price for this asset compared to 1 hour ago.
Price Change (24h)
The percentage change in price for this asset compared to 24 hours ago.
Price Change (7d)
The percentage change in price for this asset compared to 7 days ago.

LQTY Market Information

Popularity is based on the relative market cap of assets.
Market Cap
Market cap is calculated by multiplying the asset's circulating supply with its current price.
Volume (24hours)
The total dollar value of all transactions for this asset over the past 24 hours.
Circulation Supply
The number of coins circulating in the market and available to the public for trading, similar to publicly traded shares on the stock market.
Total Maximum Supply
The total number of coins that will ever be created for the cryptocurrency, similar to fully diluted shares in the stock market. If this data is not provided or verified by CoinMarketCap, the maximum supply is displayed as '--'.
Fully Diluted Market Cap
The total number of coins that will ever be created for the cryptocurrency, similar to fully diluted shares in the stock market. If this data is not provided or verified by CoinMarketCap, the maximum supply is displayed as '--'.
Issue Date

What Can You Do With Liquity (LQTY)?

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About Liquity (LQTY)

Liquity is an Ethereum-based decentralized borrowing protocol. The platform intends to allow users to pull interest-free loans against ETH as underlying collateral. These loans are paid in the platform's USD-pegged stablecoin, LUSD.

To access the platform's loans, users must first have a Trove (an Ethereum address-linked vault) with a minimum deposit of ETH before accessing the Liquity network. Liquity markets itself as a decentralized lending system providing users with a 110% collateral rate and allowing users to obtain loans at 0% interest rates while collateralizing ETH. 

Liquity uses the $LQTY token as a reward incentive for early adopters and Frontend Operators to use the platform. The live price of LQTY is available and tracked on Binance.

Users can earn LQTY in three different ways. Users can earn LQTY by depositing in the protocol's Stability Pool, ensuring that the total LUSD supply is always backed by acting as a source of liquidity to repay debt from liquidated troves. 

Users can also earn LQTY by providing liquidity to the LUSD/ETH pool. Developers building with Liquity can earn LQTY by facilitating Stability Pool deposits in a project's front end.

In terms of governance, Liquity eschews the traditional governance framework in favor of human voting on protocol development. In Liquity, all parameters ordinarily subject to a vote are either algorithmically controlled by the protocol or predefined. 

Taking such a hands-off approach to governance is alleged to provide users with a predictable experience when borrowing against their ETH.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Liquity

  1. What is LQTY Used For?

    LQTY serves as an incentive mechanism for users to provide liquidity to the Liquity protocol. LQTY can also be staked within the protocol, generating dual rewards from both issuance and redemption fees.

  2. Who is the Founder of Liquity?

    Rick Pardoe and Robert Lauko co-founded Liquity. Lauko, the project's CEO, began his career as a research associate for the DFINITY Foundation before launching Liquity. Co-founder Pardoe serves as the project's core developer, having previously worked at

  3. What is the Maximum Token Supply of LQTY?

    Liquity has a total supply of 100 million LQTY, and over 91 million LQTY are in circulation.

  4. What Makes Liquity Different From Others?

    Liquity lists its main benefits as the 0% interest rate, which allows users to borrow a "stable" asset with their ETH, the over-collateralization of 110% total, and the algorithmic and fully automated decentralized environment.

    According to what is reported and published by the platform, there are two main ways to earn on the Liquity platform. The first is by depositing LUSD into the platform's Stability Pool which earns liquidation gains and LQTY token rewards. The second way to earn is by staking LQTY, which generates rewards earned from issuance fees distributed in LUSD and redemption fees in the form of ETH.

  5. Is Liquity (LQTY) Available On Binance?

    At the time of writing, Liquity (LQTY) is unavailable for trade or service on Binance. Live Liquity price is updated in real-time on Binance. Moreover, LQTY price and alternative purchase information are available for users in our How To Buy Liquity (LQTY) guide.

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