Celer Network Price (CELR)

Cryptocurrency prices are subject to high market risk and price volatility. You should only invest in products that you are familiar with and where you understand the associated risks.
1 Celer Network equals ₽1.180433 RUB+2.6%1D
Page last updated: 2025-02-16 17:39 (UTC+0)
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Price of CELR today

The live price of Celer Network is ₽1.180433 per (CELR / RUB) with a current market cap of ₽9.16B RUB. 24-hour trading volume is ₽592.28M RUB. CELR to RUB price is updated in real-time. Celer Network is +2.6% in the last 24 hours with a circulating supply of 7.76B.
CELR Price History RUB
Date ComparisonAmount Change% Change
30 Days₽-0.487413-29.22%
60 Days₽-0.928655-44.03%
90 Days₽-0.210409-15.13%

CELR Market Information

24h Low & High
Low: ₽1.126862
High: ₽1.199449
The highest and lowest price paid for this asset in 24 hours.
All Time High
The highest price paid for this asset since it was launched or listed.
Price Change (1h)
The percentage change in price for this asset compared to 1 hour ago.
Price Change (24h)
The percentage change in price for this asset compared to 24 hours ago.
Price Change (7d)
The percentage change in price for this asset compared to 7 days ago.

CELR Market Information

Popularity is based on the relative market cap of assets.
Market Cap
Market cap is calculated by multiplying the asset's circulating supply with its current price.
Volume (24hours)
The total dollar value of all transactions for this asset over the past 24 hours.
Circulation Supply
The number of coins circulating in the market and available to the public for trading, similar to publicly traded shares on the stock market.
Total Maximum Supply
The total number of coins that will ever be created for the cryptocurrency, similar to fully diluted shares in the stock market. If this data is not provided or verified by CoinMarketCap, the maximum supply is displayed as '--'.
Fully Diluted Market Cap
The total number of coins that will ever be created for the cryptocurrency, similar to fully diluted shares in the stock market. If this data is not provided or verified by CoinMarketCap, the maximum supply is displayed as '--'.
Issue Date

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About Celer Network (CELR)

Celer Network is a decentralized ecosystem that facilitates interoperability among several different cryptocurrencies, NFTs, and other digital assets, each implemented on different independent blockchain platforms.

Celer Network’s own Layer 2 blockchain performs its ecosystem operations, wherein the native cryptocurrency CELR functions as its sole cryptocurrency asset. Celer Network’s blockchain implementation is known as a message routing service, meaning it essentially communicates with its connected Layer 1 networks without needing to leave the single common network.

CELR is staked on the Celer State Guardian Network (SGN), whose name refers to the Layer 2 proof-of-stake (PoS) Celer Network blockchain. CELR price is updated and published in real time on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Celer Network

  1. What is the Celer Network Layer 2 Blockchain?

    The Celer Network is a Layer 2 blockchain, meaning its protocol is able to function on any autonomous blockchain network. It was built and launched using Tendermint’s open-source software, a protocol used by several developers to launch blockchain networks. Celer Network Layer 2 protocol enables it to be easily implemented on almost any Layer 1 blockchain solution. To date, the network has established relationships with Arbitrum, Ethereum, Binance, Polygon, Fantom, and Avalanche, among other individual blockchains.

  2. What is CELR Used For?

    CELR is used to facilitate communication among the independent blockchain networks that are interconnected through Celer Network. The coin can also be staked to validate transactions and other activities on the blockchain. GameFi, metaverse, and DeFi assets can be exchanged via the Celer platform, wherein CELR is the intermediary network cryptocurrency.

  3. How Do Network Consensus and Validation Work on Celer Network?

    Celer Network is a PoS blockchain network developed using Tendermint software. Validators and delegators designate CELR to the network to facilitate consensus for every transaction processed on any of the various ecosystems connected through smart contracts on the SGN.

  4. How Fast is Consensus on Celer Network?

    Transactions on Celer Network are said to be extremely fast, due to technologies that combine smart contract protocol with the SGN. Additionally, the cost of transactions on Celer Network are typically a fraction of those carried out on the native chains themselves.

  5. Who is the Celer Network Founder?

    PhD computer scientists Mo Dong, Junda Liu, Xiaozhou Li, and Qingkai Liang co-founded Celer Network in 2018. They launched its alpha mainnet, originally called Cygnus, in July 2019.

  6. What is the Maximum Token Supply of Celer Network?

    There is a maximum supply of 10,000,000,000 CELR coins, with a circulating supply of 7,085,488,367 CELR coins at the time of writing.

  7. What Makes Celer Network Different From Others?

    Celer Network provides developers with a decentralized environment in which they can achieve highly functional horizontal scaling and instant finality, as well as a high degree of privacy. Additionally, according to the network itself, it already has 35 active blockchains and over 132 cryptocurrencies at the time of writing.

  8. How To Buy CELR?

    CELR can be purchased directly from Binance using a debit or credit card. It can also be traded for other cryptocurrencies on the Binance exchange. Live CELR price is updated in real time on Binance. Further CELR price and purchase instructions and information are available in our How To buy Celer Network (CELR) Guide.

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