According to Odaily, a recent security incident involving Seif Wallet has raised concerns among users. SlowMist's Cosine posted on X, alerting users that a small number of private keys and passwords were inadvertently collected by a third-party analytics platform integrated within the wallet. Fortunately, this issue was identified and reported by a white hat hacker. It appears that the third-party platform did not act maliciously, but rather, the incident resembles previous cases where sensitive information was mistakenly collected due to improper use of Sentry.

Seif Wallet's official statement clarified that the leaked private keys and passwords were unintentionally sent to a secure third-party analytics platform, accessible only by authorized Seif administrators. The company emphasized that this was not a result of an external hack or malicious activity. While Seif Wallet takes this incident very seriously and recommends immediate action, they assured users that the risk of external access to this data is minimal. The company is actively working to delete all sensitive data and enhance their security protocols to prevent future occurrences.