Binance Meetup in Auckland is on!



We were blown away at the response to our Auckland meetup. The event has sold out, and the waitlist is also full.

We will be hosting more events in Auckland soon. Keep up to date with our social media channels to stay in the know.

At Binance, our community of users are our most important asset. That’s why user meetups are so important to us. After successful meetups in Wellington and Christchurch earlier this year, we’re heading back to Auckland due to popular demand!

On the night we'll host a panel session with Binance ANZ Regional General Manager, Ben Rose along with NZ’s leading cryptocurrency lawyer Jeremy Muir of MinterEllisonRuddWatts and Leanne Bats, Head of Web3.0 for New Zealand Rugby.

Drinks and light refreshments are on us and we’ll have some fun interactive activities to test your crypto knowledge.

Meet fellow Binancians and the Binance New Zealand team in person, along with like-minded people during the networking sessions.

We can only host a limited number of guests for this free event and tickets won’t last long so register today to secure your spot.

🔶 Win Binance swag! 🔶

The first 50 people through the door on the night will receive their own exclusive Binance swag.

There will also be more swag prizes up for grabs for everyone that uses our event hashtag: #BinanceMeetupAuckland

Get your ticket now!

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