Let’s review 2 virtual Ai agent coins today

Lunai - Luna performs virtual concerts and has a big social media following where she posts updates regularly and generates income for the ecosystem

Vader - Most undervalued within the ecosystem mcap currently stands at $75million. Vader is an investment AI with a DAO and portfolio in which it invests in AI coins and makes calls on its social media. Has a decent following and a determined team. I won’t be surprised to see Vader eventually reach $1b mcap and I hold this coin. You can stake Vader and earn from Vader’s gains which is another positive.

Next up and coming memecoins:

Ski mask dog - every ecosystem has a big dog meme and base chain ecosystem’s is ski mask dog. It is poised to eventually compete with shiva inu but unlikely to reach such a high mcap.

Phnix - The Star Child of the XRPL - phnix had a stellar performance several weeks ago and has pulled back substantially since then. With such a small market cap there is big room for growth.

New proof of intelligence coin to be released in march:

Lightchain AI - Similar to TAO in terms of use case using POI in place of POS/POW mechanisms. Currently on presale and the white paper seems legit. It will certainly have an explosive performance on day 1 and likely pullback as with all new releases.

Next AIagents ecosystem to explode like virtual? SUI ecosystem is most likely and we have 2 contenders, SUAI and SUIAI. SUAI already has a robust platform and SUIAI will be releasing their agents in q3. I am anticipating both to have a share of the market with SUAI being the leader.

A coin no one expects:

Neotech AI - I have a vested interest in this coin and hold it long term. The team is phenomenal and is targeting the VR, gamefi, AI and RWA sector. It is a unique coin although copycats are beginning to emerge. They are bridging the real world with the metaverse and are announcing new partnerships regularly, 3 this month. I am anticipating this coin to eventually be big in the gamefi space dependant on development. It has a parent company.