Binance Square


160 Discussing
#aveo $AEVO Dacă te gândești sa cumperi acest rahat de moneda, nu o face! O sa îți pierzi banii!
#aveo $AEVO
Dacă te gândești sa cumperi acest rahat de moneda, nu o face!
O sa îți pierzi banii!
$AEVO sell #aveo target 0.45 time period 2days
$AEVO sell #aveo
target 0.45 time period 2days
توقعاتكم لعملة AEVO #aveo
توقعاتكم لعملة AEVO
تا چند ساعت دیگر #aevo لانچ میشود چند دانه فارم کردین؟
كم تتوقعون سعر إطلاق #aveo لم يبقى الكثير للإطلاق
كم تتوقعون سعر إطلاق #aveo
لم يبقى الكثير للإطلاق
#solana #aveo رابط التيجرام في اوى تعليق مجانا
رابط التيجرام في اوى تعليق مجانا
Farming is now open for the latest #Binance Launchpool – @aevoxyz Stake your #BNB and $FDUSD over the next 5 days to earn free $aevo before launching. #aveo #beyoglu
Farming is now open for the latest #Binance Launchpool –

Stake your #BNB and $FDUSD over the next 5 days to earn free $aevo before launching.

#aveo #beyoglu
3/13上线新币AVEO怎么样? AVEO在3/13 下午18点上线于各大交易所 这个币在还没上线风声就大 首先bn launchpool挖5天 刷交易量的空投猎人 一共给了大概7%的空投份额 不过这次空投骂声一片 还有更心酸的晒出来的只有0.11个aevo 话说真的很想知道40万的空投地址到底是空投猎人刷的还是项目方自己的大老鼠仓 上线价格也也是也让很多人苦不堪言,币安上线价格是3.5相信大家也都是在2.5-3之间进场的,也并没有什么问题对吧。 直到最近有人跟我说AVEO被套死了怎么办,我但是在想AVEO在最高位买的被套住也没有被套住多少点呀,315风波也就跌了10多个点,直到他说他是在OK最高位买的。看到这,我也只能俩手一滩祝你好运了。你们都是咋什么位置买的了。 喜欢现货,想一起滚钱,屯牛市场现货点击头像,关注我,面对粉丝,我的牛市策略布局,免费分享,只做免费博主,只为涨粉,点赞关注即可免费进圈,今晚八点将会进行直播讲解分析。 #aveo   #ETH    #BTC
AVEO在3/13 下午18点上线于各大交易所


首先bn launchpool挖5天





#aveo   #ETH    #BTC
::How to earn more with these coins.#aveo I've been monitoring these coins for a month and I just figured out how to earn more. #WIF : For WIF, you have to buy it when it's below 3 and sell when it's above 3.4. #AXL : This coin sometimes tries to reach 3 but doesn't. So what you have to do is to buy when it's below 2 and then sell between 2.5 and 2.9 #Metis : This coin usually tries to get to 115 but doesn't so usually buy when it's below 98 and then sell when it's above 105. #aveo : For this, you have to buy it when it's below 3 and sell when it's above 3. Always remember that a win is a win, no matter the amount so don't keep your coins when it reaches an all time high. Cryptos could crash at any moment so sell when you have to and buy later when the price reduces. Don't be greedy, otherwise you're going to lose a lot of money. Also avoid meme coins
::How to earn more with these coins.#aveo
I've been monitoring these coins for a month and I just figured out how to earn more.

#WIF : For WIF, you have to buy it when it's below 3 and sell when it's above 3.4.

#AXL : This coin sometimes tries to reach 3 but doesn't. So what you have to do is to buy when it's below 2 and then sell between 2.5 and 2.9

#Metis : This coin usually tries to get to 115 but doesn't so usually buy when it's below 98 and then sell when it's above 105.

#aveo : For this, you have to buy it when it's below 3 and sell when it's above 3.

Always remember that a win is a win, no matter the amount so don't keep your coins when it reaches an all time high. Cryptos could crash at any moment so sell when you have to and buy later when the price reduces. Don't be greedy, otherwise you're going to lose a lot of money. Also avoid meme coins
其实币安每次上新,可能会砸一到两天,甚至不砸,反正上币安的币总会拉一波的,这就是机会!最起码上币安的币有保证,刚上的时候有热度不至于归零,买了就安心那,吃了就跑,感觉可以的也可以长久拿,但是要多加留意,有的币随着时间流逝,项目方不管了等其他原因,有下架可能!春游去喽#WIF #ETHFI #BTC #aveo #PDA
其实币安每次上新,可能会砸一到两天,甚至不砸,反正上币安的币总会拉一波的,这就是机会!最起码上币安的币有保证,刚上的时候有热度不至于归零,买了就安心那,吃了就跑,感觉可以的也可以长久拿,但是要多加留意,有的币随着时间流逝,项目方不管了等其他原因,有下架可能!春游去喽#WIF #ETHFI #BTC #aveo #PDA
#Aevo $BTC $AEVO $BNB bonjours a toute et à tousse #aveo a plus de 200% la chute sera brutale , ou la monté sera extraordinaire ? t'elle est la question . a vous de répondre .

bonjours a toute et à tousse
#aveo a plus de 200%
la chute sera brutale , ou la monté sera extraordinaire ? t'elle est la question .
a vous de répondre .
chute ?
monter ?
139 votes • Voting closed
пришло время вывести на чистую воду этих любителей посерфить по моим (наверняка и вашим) нервам. да! я сейчас о паре #ETHFI⁩ и #aveo которая взявшись за ручки, рушат мои представления об адекватности криптомира. итак. я - гений трейда, и сейчас вам это докажу. когда ETHFI был 3$ я решил шикануть, и взял целых 10 токенов, но 30$. топтание на месте и мой ублюдочный азарт заставили меня продать всё на 3.1. я заработал целый грёбаный 1 доллар! победа! вы же слышите, как там вдали начинает звучать трек Eminem - Lose Yourself? Это я иду за своим 1 долларом! После чего сладко засыпаю, чтобы утром увидеть как ethfi пробил 5, потом 6, 7 и 8... что за волна!?? я попал в центрифугу. ведь мог поставить рекорд и с 30$ снять 60$ ! интересно, эти любители жаренного написали бы потом слезливую истор моего успеха ???))) но нет. идёт 3 день, когда #ETHFI⁩ продолжает полоскать мои не затянувшиеся раны, подключив друга в лице #aveo я не знаю чем закончится эта неприятная история , но верю в справедливость ... однажды за мой творческий подход армия таких же как и я азартных лазеров , накидает мне пару сотен #usdt которые я с удовольствием потрачу на очередной скачок какого-нибудь токена! Аллилуйя ! Улыбнитесь ))
пришло время вывести на чистую воду этих любителей посерфить по моим (наверняка и вашим) нервам.

да! я сейчас о паре #ETHFI⁩ и #aveo которая взявшись за ручки, рушат мои представления об адекватности криптомира.

итак. я - гений трейда, и сейчас вам это докажу. когда ETHFI был 3$ я решил шикануть, и взял целых 10 токенов, но 30$. топтание на месте и мой ублюдочный азарт заставили меня продать всё на 3.1. я заработал целый грёбаный 1 доллар! победа! вы же слышите, как там вдали начинает звучать трек Eminem - Lose Yourself? Это я иду за своим 1 долларом! После чего сладко засыпаю, чтобы утром увидеть как ethfi пробил 5, потом 6, 7 и 8... что за волна!?? я попал в центрифугу. ведь мог поставить рекорд и с 30$ снять 60$ ! интересно, эти любители жаренного написали бы потом слезливую истор моего успеха ???)))

но нет. идёт 3 день, когда #ETHFI⁩ продолжает полоскать мои не затянувшиеся раны, подключив друга в лице #aveo

я не знаю чем закончится эта неприятная история , но верю в справедливость ... однажды за мой творческий подход армия таких же как и я азартных лазеров , накидает мне пару сотен #usdt которые я с удовольствием потрачу на очередной скачок какого-нибудь токена!

Аллилуйя ! Улыбнитесь ))
This is your golden Time to buy #aveo coin
This is your golden Time to buy #aveo coin
#MyFirstFeedPost many people have been posting about possibly losing money on #aveo price pool. The rational primarily center around #BNB losing value during the staking period. Well here’s a contrarian opinion based on empirical evidence. I was involved in the previous #BinancePoolLaunch with #portal I bought BNB to stake at around $390. Binance pioneered this much copied concept to raise their floor price. Guess what, there’s a steady rise in BNB during the entire staking cycle with slight drop off the last day when some people I staked and sold off BNB for the profit on arbitrage. It ended around $430. I held on. Topped up even more for the AVEO pool. It’s around $520 for a BNB today. There might be a small drop off today being the last day. I may sell 20~25% of my staked BNB to realize small profit while holding on to the rest. DYOR of course but this sharing is based on my personal journey
#MyFirstFeedPost many people have been posting about possibly losing money on #aveo price pool.

The rational primarily center around #BNB losing value during the staking period.

Well here’s a contrarian opinion based on empirical evidence. I was involved in the previous #BinancePoolLaunch with #portal

I bought BNB to stake at around $390. Binance pioneered this much copied concept to raise their floor price. Guess what, there’s a steady rise in BNB during the entire staking cycle with slight drop off the last day when some people I staked and sold off BNB for the profit on arbitrage.

It ended around $430. I held on. Topped up even more for the AVEO pool. It’s around $520 for a BNB today. There might be a small drop off today being the last day. I may sell 20~25% of my staked BNB to realize small profit while holding on to the rest. DYOR of course but this sharing is based on my personal journey
هل يمكن احد توضيح لي هل ستم اطلاق عملة جديدة غدا في بينانس #aveo
هل يمكن احد توضيح لي هل ستم اطلاق عملة جديدة غدا في بينانس #aveo
::How to earn more with these coins.#aveo I've been monitoring these coins for a month and I just figured out how to earn more. #WIF : For WIF, you have to buy it when it's below 3 and sell when it's above 3.4. #AXL🔥🔥🔥 : This coin sometimes tries to reach 3 but doesn't. So what you have to do is to buy when it's below 2 and then sell between 2.5 and 2.9 #Metis : This coin usually tries to get to 115 but doesn't so usually buy when it's below 98 and then sell when it's above 105. #aveo : For this, you have to buy it when it's below 3 and sell when it's above 3. Always remember that a win is a win, no matter the amount so don't keep your coins when it reaches an all time high. Cryptos could crash at any moment so sell when you have to and buy later when the price reduces. Don't be greedy, otherwise you're going to lose a lot of money. Also avoid meme coins
::How to earn more with these coins.#aveo
I've been monitoring these coins for a month and I just figured out how to earn more.
#WIF : For WIF, you have to buy it when it's below 3 and sell when it's above 3.4.
#AXL🔥🔥🔥 : This coin sometimes tries to reach 3 but doesn't. So what you have to do is to buy when it's below 2 and then sell between 2.5 and 2.9
#Metis : This coin usually tries to get to 115 but doesn't so usually buy when it's below 98 and then sell when it's above 105.
#aveo : For this, you have to buy it when it's below 3 and sell when it's above 3.
Always remember that a win is a win, no matter the amount so don't keep your coins when it reaches an all time high. Cryptos could crash at any moment so sell when you have to and buy later when the price reduces. Don't be greedy, otherwise you're going to lose a lot of money. Also avoid meme coins
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