Binance Square
Hello! My name is Felipe, and I have been a cryptocurrency enthusiast since 2013 when I first discovered Bitcoin. My focus is to spread knowledge about cryptos.
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ÂĄAIRDROP EN TELEGRAM! ÂĄNABOX Y ALPACAMONEY CON 3 MIL MILLONES DE TOKENS! ÂżSabĂ­as que hay un airdrop sencillo y poco conocido que estĂĄ ocurriendo ahora mismo en el que puedes participar de forma gratuita en #Telegram ? El actual #airdrop estĂĄ siendo organizado por #NaBox Wallet (la billetera oficial de #Nuls ) en asociaciĂłn con Alpaca Money, ofreciendo mĂĄs de diez mil millones de tokens NaBox como recompensas. Este es un airdrop de mediano plazo que comenzĂł recientemente, lo que significa que aĂșn puedes unirte y comenzar a ganar puntos de forma gratuita. Lo mĂĄs genial es que, aunque se trata de un airdrop de mediano plazo en el que las recompensas se distribuirĂĄn al final, a lo largo de este proceso, tendremos otros airdrops de socios y actividades adicionales que nos permitirĂĄn ganar mĂĄs tokens. De hecho, ya ha habido un mini airdrop de #tokens Suissex, el token de la plataforma Blockchain suiza. ÂżQuieres saber cĂłmo participar? Visita el canal oficial de YouTube de NULS Blockchain para obtener mĂĄs informaciĂłn. $NULS $BTC $ETH

ÂżSabĂ­as que hay un airdrop sencillo y poco conocido que estĂĄ ocurriendo ahora mismo en el que puedes participar de forma gratuita en #Telegram ? El actual #airdrop estĂĄ siendo organizado por #NaBox Wallet (la billetera oficial de #Nuls ) en asociaciĂłn con Alpaca Money, ofreciendo mĂĄs de diez mil millones de tokens NaBox como recompensas. Este es un airdrop de mediano plazo que comenzĂł recientemente, lo que significa que aĂșn puedes unirte y comenzar a ganar puntos de forma gratuita. Lo mĂĄs genial es que, aunque se trata de un airdrop de mediano plazo en el que las recompensas se distribuirĂĄn al final, a lo largo de este proceso, tendremos otros airdrops de socios y actividades adicionales que nos permitirĂĄn ganar mĂĄs tokens. De hecho, ya ha habido un mini airdrop de #tokens Suissex, el token de la plataforma Blockchain suiza. ÂżQuieres saber cĂłmo participar? Visita el canal oficial de YouTube de NULS Blockchain para obtener mĂĄs informaciĂłn.

Nuls and Binance Campaign! #Binance Futures has launched two campaigns with a total of 90,000 USDT + 115,000 #nuls in rewards. Promotion (A) is the simplest and is dedicated to new users of the futures market. that is, for those who have not yet used this tool within the exchange. Participating is very easy: You just need to trade with nuls, Gravity or Chess in the #BinanceFutures market. The first 10,000 users to join the promotion will receive 5 USDT. Promotion (B) is more complex but can offer larger rewards and is open to all users. In Promotion B you also need to trade in the futures market with any of those currencies, but with a minimum volume of 250 USDT. If you manage to rank above the top 20 in volume in this campaign, you can earn much better rewards. Don't forget that this promotion is valid for verified accounts, and you must redeem your voucher in the Rewards Hub if you participate. Hurry over to Binance Futures, as the event ends on October 1st. visit the official (NULS Blockchain) channel on YouTube and learn more $NULS $BTC $ETH
Nuls and Binance Campaign!

#Binance Futures has launched two campaigns with a total of 90,000 USDT + 115,000 #nuls in rewards. Promotion (A) is the simplest and is dedicated to new users of the futures market. that is, for those who have not yet used this tool within the exchange.
Participating is very easy: You just need to trade with nuls, Gravity or Chess in the #BinanceFutures market. The first 10,000 users to join the promotion will receive 5 USDT.
Promotion (B) is more complex but can offer larger rewards and is open to all users. In Promotion B you also need to trade in the futures market with any of those currencies, but with a minimum volume of 250 USDT. If you manage to rank above the top 20 in volume in this campaign, you can earn much better rewards.
Don't forget that this promotion is valid for verified accounts, and you must redeem your voucher in the Rewards Hub if you participate. Hurry over to Binance Futures, as the event ends on October 1st.

visit the official (NULS Blockchain) channel on YouTube and learn more

AIRDROP ON TELEGRAM! NABOX & ALPACAMONEY WITH 3 BILLION TOKENS! Did you know that there's a simple and under-the-radar airdrop happening right now that you can participate in for free on #Telegram ? The current #airdrop is being held by #NaBox Wallet (the official #Nuls wallet) in partnership with Alpaca Money, offering over ten billion NaBox tokens as rewards. This is a mid-term airdrop that started recently, meaning you can still join in and start earning points for free. The coolest part is that, although it's a mid-term airdrop where rewards will be distributed at the end, throughout this journey, we'll have other airdrops from partners and additional activities that can earn us extra tokens. In fact, there has already been a mini airdrop of Suissex #tokens , the token of the Swiss Blockchain platform. Want to know how to participate? Visit the official NULS Blockchain YouTube channel to learn more. $NULS $BTC $ETH

Did you know that there's a simple and under-the-radar airdrop happening right now that you can participate in for free on #Telegram ? The current #airdrop is being held by #NaBox Wallet (the official #Nuls wallet) in partnership with Alpaca Money, offering over ten billion NaBox tokens as rewards. This is a mid-term airdrop that started recently, meaning you can still join in and start earning points for free. The coolest part is that, although it's a mid-term airdrop where rewards will be distributed at the end, throughout this journey, we'll have other airdrops from partners and additional activities that can earn us extra tokens. In fact, there has already been a mini airdrop of Suissex #tokens , the token of the Swiss Blockchain platform. Want to know how to participate? Visit the official NULS Blockchain YouTube channel to learn more.

10 MIL MILLONES de tokens! Ese es el total de monedas que #naboxwallet distribuirå en su campaña en colaboración con #AlpacaMoney . El airdrop tendrå una duración a mediano y largo plazo y ocurrirå a través de un mini-juego en Telegram. La mejor parte, es que puedes participar gratis. Para ganar puntos en el juego, realizarås misiones sociales, invitarås a tus amigos y te divertirås mucho en este adictivo juego. Jugar es muy sencillo. Solo necesitas soltar algunas monedas dentro de un espacio, combinarlas y así acumular puntos. Cuantas mås monedas combines, mås grandes se volverån y mås puntos ganarås. El juego termina cuando llenas todo el espacio. A lo largo de esta campaña, se distribuirån 10 mil millones de tokens NABOX. A la fecha de hoy este monto estå valorado en alrededor de 50 mil dólares. Pero si el token alcanza su måximo histórico este monto podría valer 3 millones de dólares. ¥Recuerda! Este es un airdrop a mediano y largo plazo que comenzó hace poco tiempo. Es decir, puedes empezar ahora. ¿Te interesa y quieres saber cómo participar? Dirígete ahora a las redes oficiales de Nabox en Twitter y Telegram. Tambien visita #NULS Blockchain en youtube y sepa mas. $NULS $BTC $ETH
10 MIL MILLONES de tokens!

Ese es el total de monedas que #naboxwallet distribuirå en su campaña en colaboración con #AlpacaMoney .
El airdrop tendrå una duración a mediano y largo plazo y ocurrirå a través de un mini-juego en Telegram. La mejor parte, es que puedes participar gratis. Para ganar puntos en el juego, realizarås misiones sociales, invitarås a tus amigos y te divertirås mucho en este adictivo juego.

Jugar es muy sencillo. Solo necesitas soltar algunas monedas dentro de un espacio, combinarlas y asĂ­ acumular puntos.
Cuantas mĂĄs monedas combines, mĂĄs grandes se volverĂĄn y mĂĄs puntos ganarĂĄs. El juego termina cuando llenas todo el espacio.
A lo largo de esta campaña, se distribuirån 10 mil millones de tokens NABOX. A la fecha de hoy este monto estå valorado en alrededor de 50 mil dólares. Pero si el token alcanza su måximo histórico este monto podría valer 3 millones de dólares.
ÂĄRecuerda! Este es un airdrop a mediano y largo plazo que comenzĂł hace poco tiempo. Es decir, puedes empezar ahora.
ÂżTe interesa y quieres saber cĂłmo participar? DirĂ­gete ahora a las redes oficiales de Nabox en Twitter y Telegram.
Tambien visita #NULS Blockchain en youtube y sepa mas.

BIG AIRDROP FROM #NaboxWallet and #AlpacaMoney ! 🎼Play for free now on Telegram now! 10 BILLION NABOX TOKENS! This is the total number of coins that NABOX Wallet will distribute in its campaign in partnership with AlpacaMoney. This airdrop will take place over the medium and long term and will happen through a mini-game on #Telegram . The best part is that you can participate for free. To score in the game you will complete social missions, invite your friends and have a lot of fun in this addictive game. Playing is very simple. You just need to drop a few coins into a space, and combine them to earn points. The more coins you combine, the bigger they will get and the more points you’ll earn. The game ends when you fill up all the space. Throughout this campaign, 10 billion #NABOX tokens will be distributed. On today's date, this amount is valued at around $50,000. However, if the token approaches its ATH, this amount could be worth $3 million. Remember! This is a medium- to long-term airdrop that started recently. So, you can start now. Interested and want to know how to participate? Head over to Nabox’s official Twitter and Telegram channels now. Also visit the NULS Blockchain channel on YouTube and watch the video. $NULS $BTC $ETH đŸ’ȘđŸ’Ș
BIG AIRDROP FROM #NaboxWallet and #AlpacaMoney !

🎼Play for free now on Telegram now!

10 BILLION NABOX TOKENS! This is the total number of coins that NABOX Wallet will distribute in its campaign in partnership with AlpacaMoney. This airdrop will take place over the medium and long term and will happen through a mini-game on #Telegram . The best part is that you can participate for free.
To score in the game you will complete social missions, invite your friends and have a lot of fun in this addictive game.

Playing is very simple. You just need to drop a few coins into a space, and combine them to earn points. The more coins you combine, the bigger they will get and the more points you’ll earn. The game ends when you fill up all the space.
Throughout this campaign, 10 billion #NABOX tokens will be distributed.

On today's date, this amount is valued at around $50,000. However, if the token approaches its ATH, this amount could be worth $3 million.
Remember! This is a medium- to long-term airdrop that started recently. So, you can start now.
Interested and want to know how to participate? Head over to Nabox’s official Twitter and Telegram channels now.

Also visit the NULS Blockchain channel on YouTube and watch the video.

Nuls, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Mercado de Futuros y mås! Recientemente, #Nuls trajo mucha alegría a sus inversores. En un momento, su token incluso duplicó su precio. Aunque devolvió parte de esa ganancia, Nuls terminó el mes al menos un 50% por encima de su precio al comienzo de octubre. Ademås, Nuls fue listado en varias bolsas en el mercado de futuros, especialmente en #Binance , que es la bolsa mås grande del mundo por volumen de operaciones. Esta cotización trajo un volumen de comercio de mås de 180 millones de dólares para Nuls y abrió las puertas para que otras bolsas siguieran su ejemplo. Como Bybit, otra importante bolsa, Bitget, LBank,, MEXC y también BitMart. Ademås, Nuls completó con éxito las pruebas de su sistema multi-gas, permitiendo a las personas pagar comisiones en la blockchain de Nuls utilizando #Bitcoin , #Ethereum o Nuls. Lo interesante es que aquellos que apuesten Nuls recibirån recompensas en Nuls, Bitcoin y Ethereum. Para colmo, Nuls también lanzó una plataforma llamada (Nuls Ecosystem Ignition), que tiene como objetivo promover nuevos proyectos para ser desarrollados dentro de la blockchain de Nuls. ¿Te gustó la información? Entonces suscríbete al canal ( NULS Blockchain) para mantenerte actualizado. $NULS $BTC $ETH
Nuls, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Mercado de Futuros y mĂĄs!

Recientemente, #Nuls trajo mucha alegrĂ­a a sus inversores. En un momento, su token incluso duplicĂł su precio. Aunque devolviĂł parte de esa ganancia, Nuls terminĂł el mes al menos un 50% por encima de su precio al comienzo de octubre. AdemĂĄs, Nuls fue listado en varias bolsas en el mercado de futuros, especialmente en #Binance , que es la bolsa mĂĄs grande del mundo por volumen de operaciones. Esta cotizaciĂłn trajo un volumen de comercio de mĂĄs de 180 millones de dĂłlares para Nuls y abriĂł las puertas para que otras bolsas siguieran su ejemplo.
Como Bybit, otra importante bolsa, Bitget, LBank,, MEXC y también BitMart. Ademås, Nuls completó con éxito las pruebas de su sistema multi-gas, permitiendo a las personas pagar comisiones en la blockchain de Nuls utilizando #Bitcoin , #Ethereum o Nuls. Lo interesante es que aquellos que apuesten Nuls recibirån recompensas en Nuls, Bitcoin y Ethereum. Para colmo, Nuls también lanzó una plataforma llamada (Nuls Ecosystem Ignition), que tiene como objetivo promover nuevos proyectos para ser desarrollados dentro de la blockchain de Nuls. ¿Te gustó la información? Entonces suscríbete al canal ( NULS Blockchain) para mantenerte actualizado.

Nuls, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Futures Market and more! Recently, #Nuls brought a lot of joy to its investors. At one point its token even doubled in price. Although it gave back part of that gain, Nuls ended the month at least 50% higher than its price at the beginning of October. Additionally, Nuls was listed on several exchanges in the futures market especially on #Binance . which is the largest exchange in the world by trading volume. This listing brought a trading volume of over 180 million dollars for Nuls and opened doors for other exchanges to follow suit. Like Bybit, another major exchange, Bitget, LBank,, mexc and also BitMart. Moreover, Nuls successfully completed tests for its multi-gas system. allowing people to pay fees on the Nuls blockchain using #Bitcoin , #Ethereum or Nuls. The cool part is that those who stake Nuls will receive rewards in Nuls, Bitcoin and Ethereum. To top it off, Nuls also launched a platform called (Nuls Ecosystem Ignition). which aims to promote new projects to be developed within the Nuls blockchain. Did you like the information? so Visit the official NULS Blockchain channel on YouTube and learn more. $BTC $ETH $NULS
Nuls, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Futures Market and more!

Recently, #Nuls brought a lot of joy to its investors. At one point its token even doubled in price. Although it gave back part of that gain, Nuls ended the month at least 50% higher than its price at the beginning of October. Additionally, Nuls was listed on several exchanges in the futures market especially on #Binance . which is the largest exchange in the world by trading volume. This listing brought a trading volume of over 180 million dollars for Nuls and opened doors for other exchanges to follow suit.
Like Bybit, another major exchange, Bitget, LBank,, mexc and also BitMart. Moreover, Nuls successfully completed tests for its multi-gas system. allowing people to pay fees on the Nuls blockchain using #Bitcoin , #Ethereum or Nuls. The cool part is that those who stake Nuls will receive rewards in Nuls, Bitcoin and Ethereum. To top it off, Nuls also launched a platform called (Nuls Ecosystem Ignition). which aims to promote new projects to be developed within the Nuls blockchain. Did you like the information? so Visit the official NULS Blockchain channel on YouTube and learn more.

NULS IN THE FUTURES MARKET, UP 100% , INCENTIVE PROGRAM AND MUCH MORE. Things heated up quite a bit in the #Nuls ecosystem last August. The price of its coin appreciated by 100%, a community incentive program was created, Nuls was listed on several exchanges, including #Binance in the futures market, and finally, the testing phase of its exclusive multi-gas #blockchain was completed. This allows holders of this cryptocurrency not only to pay network fees in #Bitcoin , #Ethereum , or Nuls but also to earn Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Nuls by staking on its mainnet. Check out the full video about all these updates by visiting the official Nuls YouTube channel called (NULS Blockchain) and learn more. $NULS $BTC $ETH

Things heated up quite a bit in the #Nuls ecosystem last August. The price of its coin appreciated by 100%, a community incentive program was created, Nuls was listed on several exchanges, including #Binance in the futures market, and finally, the testing phase of its exclusive multi-gas #blockchain was completed. This allows holders of this cryptocurrency not only to pay network fees in #Bitcoin , #Ethereum , or Nuls but also to earn Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Nuls by staking on its mainnet.
Check out the full video about all these updates by visiting the official Nuls YouTube channel called (NULS Blockchain) and learn more.

🚀 PUENTE ENTRE REDES DE #BLOCKCHAIN CON SWAPBOX ! TUTORIAL 🚀 Entiendo lo importante que es tener la capacidad de mover nuestros saldos, nuestras criptomonedas, entre diferentes redes de blockchain. DespuĂ©s de todo, con tantos #juegos, aplicaciones #defi e incluso #airdrops desarrollĂĄndose en varias redes, se necesita algo para mover nuestro dinero. Con esto en mente, quiero mostrarte paso a paso cĂłmo puedes usar la herramienta SwapBox. Esta es una herramienta crosschain de #Nabox , que integra soluciones como Puente e incluso #Swap , haciendo mucho mĂĄs fĂĄcil mover saldos entre redes de blockchain. Aunque es una soluciĂłn de Nabox Wallet, funciona perfectamente con MetaMask. AdemĂĄs, es compatible con mĂĄs de 40 redes de blockchain diferentes. Visita el canal de NULS Blockchain en YouTube y mira el tutorial completo. $NULS $BTC $ETH

Entiendo lo importante que es tener la capacidad de mover nuestros saldos, nuestras criptomonedas, entre diferentes redes de blockchain. Después de todo, con tantos #juegos, aplicaciones #defi e incluso #airdrops desarrollåndose en varias redes, se necesita algo para mover nuestro dinero. Con esto en mente, quiero mostrarte paso a paso cómo puedes usar la herramienta SwapBox. Esta es una herramienta crosschain de #Nabox , que integra soluciones como Puente e incluso #Swap , haciendo mucho mås fåcil mover saldos entre redes de blockchain. Aunque es una solución de Nabox Wallet, funciona perfectamente con MetaMask. Ademås, es compatible con mås de 40 redes de blockchain diferentes.
Visita el canal de NULS Blockchain en YouTube y mira el tutorial completo.

🚀 BRIDGE BETWEEN #BLOCKCHAIN NETWORKS WITH #SWAPBOX ! TUTORIAL 🚀 I understand how important it is to have the ability to move our balances, our cryptocurrencies, across different blockchain networks. After all, with so many #games , DeFi applications and even airdrops being developed on various networks, something is needed to move our money. With that in mind, I want to show you step by step how you can use the SwapBox tool. This is a cross-chain tool from #Nabox , which integrates solutions like Bridge and even #Swap . making it much easier to move balances between blockchain networks. Although it’s a Nabox Wallet solution, it works perfectly with MetaMask. Additionally, it's compatible with more than 40 different blockchain networks. access the NULS Blockchain channel on YouTube and see the complete tutorial. $NULS $BTC $ETH

I understand how important it is to have the ability to move our balances, our cryptocurrencies, across different blockchain networks. After all, with so many #games , DeFi applications and even airdrops being developed on various networks, something is needed to move our money. With that in mind, I want to show you step by step how you can use the SwapBox tool. This is a cross-chain tool from #Nabox , which integrates solutions like Bridge and even #Swap . making it much easier to move balances between blockchain networks. Although it’s a Nabox Wallet solution, it works perfectly with MetaMask. Additionally, it's compatible with more than 40 different blockchain networks.

access the NULS Blockchain channel on YouTube and see the complete tutorial.

Sorteo Nabox Wallet y Pastel Network Pastel Network es una blockchain de capa uno que busca escalabilidad. Ademås, trae un conjunto de herramientas para desarrolladores que van desde almacenamiento descentralizado, soluciones de inteligencia artificial y también interoperabilidad con otras blockchains. Nabox Wallet, en conjunto con esta red, estå trayendo varios sorteos para la comunidad que son muy simples de participar. Las acciones para participar son muy fåciles e involucran tareas como dar un like en X, comentar, etiquetar a algunos amigos y otras tareas sociales. Si tienes un poco de suerte, podrås ganar tokens de esta red al participar. Esta campaña de sorteo ocurre en 4 rondas trayendo $500 en premios de token. Cada ronda tendrå varios ganadores. La primera ronda ha terminado, pero la segunda y la tercera rondas estån abiertas ahora y puedes participar. ¿Estås interesado? Accede al perfil oficial de Nabox Wallet en X ahora y consulta las reglas. Nabox frecuentemente trae varios sorteos para la comunidad. Yo mismo he ganado algunos, y creo que vale la pena participar. Al fin y al cabo, no cuesta nada. Visita también el canal de Nuls en YouTube llamado (Nuls Blockchain) para saber mås sobre el ecosistema. #nuls #Criptomonedas #PastelNetwork #NaboxWallet $NULS $BTC $ETH
Sorteo Nabox Wallet y Pastel Network

Pastel Network es una blockchain de capa uno que busca escalabilidad. Ademås, trae un conjunto de herramientas para desarrolladores que van desde almacenamiento descentralizado, soluciones de inteligencia artificial y también interoperabilidad con otras blockchains. Nabox Wallet, en conjunto con esta red, estå trayendo varios sorteos para la comunidad que son muy simples de participar. Las acciones para participar son muy fåciles e involucran tareas como dar un like en X, comentar, etiquetar a algunos amigos y otras tareas sociales. Si tienes un poco de suerte, podrås ganar tokens de esta red al participar. Esta campaña de sorteo ocurre en 4 rondas trayendo $500 en premios de token. Cada ronda tendrå varios ganadores. La primera ronda ha terminado, pero la segunda y la tercera rondas estån abiertas ahora y puedes participar. ¿Estås interesado?
Accede al perfil oficial de Nabox Wallet en X ahora y consulta las reglas. Nabox frecuentemente trae varios sorteos para la comunidad. Yo mismo he ganado algunos, y creo que vale la pena participar. Al fin y al cabo, no cuesta nada.
Visita también el canal de Nuls en YouTube llamado (Nuls Blockchain) para saber mås sobre el ecosistema.

#nuls #Criptomonedas #PastelNetwork #NaboxWallet

Giveaway Nabox Wallet & Pastel Network The Pastel Network is a layer-one blockchain that seeks scalability. Additionally, it brings a set of tools for developers, ranging from decentralized storage, artificial intelligence solutions and also interoperability with other blockchains. The Nabox Wallet in conjunction with this network is bringing various giveaways to the community that are very simple to participate in. The actions to participate are very easy and involve tasks such as, leaving a like on X, commenting, tagging some friends and other social tasks. If you’re a bit lucky, you might win tokens from this network by participating. This giveaway campaign takes place in 4 rounds bringing $500 in token prizes. Each round will have several winners. The first round is over, but the second and third rounds are open now and you can participate. Are you interested? Access the official Nabox Wallet profile on X now and check the rules. Nabox frequently brings several giveaways to the community. I’ve won a few myself, and I think it’s worth participating. After all, it costs you nothing. Also, visit the Nuls channel on YouTube called (Nuls Blockchain) to learn more about the ecosystem. #nuls #crypto #PastelNetwork #NaboxWallet $NULS $BTC $ETH
Giveaway Nabox Wallet & Pastel Network

The Pastel Network is a layer-one blockchain that seeks scalability. Additionally, it brings a set of tools for developers, ranging from decentralized storage, artificial intelligence solutions and also interoperability with other blockchains. The Nabox Wallet in conjunction with this network is bringing various giveaways to the community that are very simple to participate in. The actions to participate are very easy and involve tasks such as, leaving a like on X, commenting, tagging some friends and other social tasks. If you’re a bit lucky, you might win tokens from this network by participating. This giveaway campaign takes place in 4 rounds bringing $500 in token prizes. Each round will have several winners. The first round is over, but the second and third rounds are open now and you can participate. Are you interested?
Access the official Nabox Wallet profile on X now and check the rules. Nabox frequently brings several giveaways to the community. I’ve won a few myself, and I think it’s worth participating. After all, it costs you nothing.

Also, visit the Nuls channel on YouTube called (Nuls Blockchain) to learn more about the ecosystem.

#nuls #crypto #PastelNetwork #NaboxWallet

Gana Bitcoin y Ethereum haciendo staking con Nuls. #Nuls es un proyecto de blockchain modular que ofrece un ecosistema completo para interconectar varias blockchains. Pero recientemente, la mainnet de Nuls pronto se convertirå en una red con tarifas pagaderas en #Bitcoin , #Ethereum y Nuls. En otras palabras, podrås elegir cuål de estas tres monedas usar para pagar las tarifas de la red. La parte mås interesante es que quienes hagan staking de Nuls podrån ganar recompensas en Ethereum, Bitcoin y también en Nuls. ¿Quieres saber mås? Visita el canal oficial de YouTube de Nuls llamado (NULS Blockchain) y aprende mås. $ETH $BTC $NULS
Gana Bitcoin y Ethereum haciendo staking con Nuls.

#Nuls es un proyecto de blockchain modular que ofrece un ecosistema completo para interconectar varias blockchains. Pero recientemente, la mainnet de Nuls pronto se convertirå en una red con tarifas pagaderas en #Bitcoin , #Ethereum y Nuls. En otras palabras, podrås elegir cuål de estas tres monedas usar para pagar las tarifas de la red. La parte mås interesante es que quienes hagan staking de Nuls podrån ganar recompensas en Ethereum, Bitcoin y también en Nuls.
ÂżQuieres saber mĂĄs? Visita el canal oficial de YouTube de Nuls llamado (NULS Blockchain) y aprende mĂĄs.

Earn Bitcoin and Ethereum by Staking with Nuls #Nuls is a modular blockchain project that offers a complete ecosystem to interconnect various blockchains. But recently the Nuls mainnet will soon become a network with fees payable in #Bitcoin , #Ethereum , and Nuls. In other words, you will be able to choose which of these three currencies to use for paying network fees. The most interesting part is that those who stake Nuls will be able to earn rewards in Ethereum, Bitcoin and also in Nuls. want to know more? Visit the official Nuls YouTube channel called (NULS Blockchain) and learn more. $ETH $BTC $NULS
Earn Bitcoin and Ethereum by Staking with Nuls

#Nuls is a modular blockchain project that offers a complete ecosystem to interconnect various blockchains. But recently the Nuls mainnet will soon become a network with fees payable in #Bitcoin , #Ethereum , and Nuls. In other words, you will be able to choose which of these three currencies to use for paying network fees. The most interesting part is that those who stake Nuls will be able to earn rewards in Ethereum, Bitcoin and also in Nuls.
want to know more? Visit the official Nuls YouTube channel called (NULS Blockchain) and learn more.

¥#Nuls ! ¥Gran Potencial para Apreciación del Precio! En general, las criptomonedas con valores de mercado muy altos son las que tienen mås dinero invertido en ellas, por lo tanto, son mucho mås conocidas que otras. Sin embargo, en términos de valoración suelen ofrecer menos retorno financiero. Esto ocurre porque, con un valor de mercado tan alto, sería necesario duplicar ese valor, que ya es bastante alto, para que el precio siga la misma tendencia. En la pråctica esto es mucho mås difícil de lograr. Por ejemplo, es mucho mås fåcil que una moneda que cuesta 25 centavos, con una baja capitalización de mercado como Nuls, alcance 1 dólar, que una que cuesta $1000 con una enorme capitalización de mercado doble su precio a $2000. No estoy diciendo que esto sea imposible, pero requeriría una gran demanda de personas y muchos recursos financieros para que suceda. ¿Quieres saber mås sobre Nuls? Entonces visita su canal oficial de YouTube llamado "NULS Blockchain" y aprende mås. $ETH $BTC $NULS
ÂĄ#Nuls ! ÂĄGran Potencial para ApreciaciĂłn del Precio!

En general, las criptomonedas con valores de mercado muy altos son las que tienen mås dinero invertido en ellas, por lo tanto, son mucho mås conocidas que otras. Sin embargo, en términos de valoración suelen ofrecer menos retorno financiero. Esto ocurre porque, con un valor de mercado tan alto, sería necesario duplicar ese valor, que ya es bastante alto, para que el precio siga la misma tendencia. En la pråctica esto es mucho mås difícil de lograr. Por ejemplo, es mucho mås fåcil que una moneda que cuesta 25 centavos, con una baja capitalización de mercado como Nuls, alcance 1 dólar, que una que cuesta $1000 con una enorme capitalización de mercado doble su precio a $2000. No estoy diciendo que esto sea imposible, pero requeriría una gran demanda de personas y muchos recursos financieros para que suceda.
ÂżQuieres saber mĂĄs sobre Nuls? Entonces visita su canal oficial de YouTube llamado "NULS Blockchain" y aprende mĂĄs.

#Nuls ! Great Potential for Price Appreciation! In general cryptocurrencies with very high #market values are the ones that have the most money invested in them, therefore they are much more well known than others. However, in terms of valuation they usually provide less #financial return. This happens because with such a high market value it would be necessary to double that value, which is already quite high, for the price to follow the same trend. In practice this is much more difficult to achieve, for example it's much easier for a coin that costs 25 cents with a low market capitalization like nuls to reach 1 dollar than for one that costs $1000 with a huge market capitalization to double its price to $2000. I'm not saying that this is impossible, but it would require a great demand from people and a lot of financial resources for it to happen. Want to know more about Nuls? Then visit its official YouTube channel called "NULS Blockchain" and learn more. $BTC $ETH $NULS
#Nuls ! Great Potential for Price Appreciation!

In general cryptocurrencies with very high #market values are the ones that have the most money invested in them, therefore they are much more well known than others. However, in terms of valuation they usually provide less #financial return. This happens because with such a high market value it would be necessary to double that value, which is already quite high, for the price to follow the same trend. In practice this is much more difficult to achieve, for example it's much easier for a coin that costs 25 cents with a low market capitalization like nuls to reach 1 dollar than for one that costs $1000 with a huge market capitalization to double its price to $2000. I'm not saying that this is impossible, but it would require a great demand from people and a lot of financial resources for it to happen.

Want to know more about Nuls? Then visit its official YouTube channel called "NULS Blockchain" and learn more.

A Regulated #Launchpad in #Switzerland ! That's right. For those who are not familiar yet, a launchpad is a tool for launching new cryptocurrency projects. In short, it's a platform that allows you to buy cryptocurrencies even before they are launched on the market. Suissepad is currently in development and will be launched soon. Its biggest advantage is that this project is fully regulated in Switzerland. Consequently this will bring much more security for projects that will be launched on the platform as well as for the users who are the investors. After all, the listings will need to follow governmental criteria. Since this platform will be launched soon. the first token in pre-sale will be its own and its name is Suisse. Registration for the whitelist of this pre-sale is open now. A whitelist is a permission list that allows you to buy the token. This means you can register now and try to secure a spot to buy the token even before it's launched on the market. Want to register or learn more about this project? Visit the official Nuls YouTube channel called (NULS Blockchain) and find out more. $BTC $ETH $NULS
A Regulated #Launchpad in #Switzerland !

That's right. For those who are not familiar yet, a launchpad is a tool for launching new cryptocurrency projects. In short, it's a platform that allows you to buy cryptocurrencies even before they are launched on the market. Suissepad is currently in development and will be launched soon. Its biggest advantage is that this project is fully regulated in Switzerland. Consequently this will bring much more security for projects that will be launched on the platform as well as for the users who are the investors.
After all, the listings will need to follow governmental criteria. Since this platform will be launched soon. the first token in pre-sale will be its own and its name is Suisse. Registration for the whitelist of this pre-sale is open now. A whitelist is a permission list that allows you to buy the token. This means you can register now and try to secure a spot to buy the token even before it's launched on the market.
Want to register or learn more about this project? Visit the official Nuls YouTube channel called (NULS Blockchain) and find out more.

Nuls Blockchain! Many updates #Nuls , the first #ModularBlockchain on the market created in 2017, had several important updates in June that could propel the entire ecosystem to new heights. Learn more by visiting the official Nuls channel on YouTube called (NULS Blockchain). $NULS $BTC $ETH
Nuls Blockchain! Many updates

#Nuls , the first #ModularBlockchain on the market created in 2017, had several important updates in June that could propel the entire ecosystem to new heights. Learn more by visiting the official Nuls channel on YouTube called (NULS Blockchain).

ÂĄBlockchain Nuls! AutĂ©ntico y pionero Una buena #criptomoneda , ademĂĄs de escalabilidad, rapidez, bajo costo y otros factores, debe ofrecer una soluciĂłn tecnolĂłgica de vanguardia, capaz de resolver problemas del mundo real y al mismo tiempo promover la adopciĂłn de criptomonedas haciĂ©ndolas mĂĄs fĂĄciles de usar. Sin embargo, lo que vemos hoy en dĂ­a es simplemente una clonaciĂłn del cĂłdigo de Ethereum. Estos proyectos, en lugar de innovar y crear una tecnologĂ­a propia que realmente aborde cuestiones actuales, terminan copiando perezosamente proyectos existentes y arrastrando viejos problemas del pasado, como problemas de escalabilidad y rendimiento. #Nuls , por ejemplo, fue responsable de ser pionero en la introducciĂłn del concepto de microservicios vinculados a una estructura modular multilingĂŒe. Para saber mĂĄs, visita el canal de Nuls en YouTube llamado (NULS Blockchain) y obtĂ©n mĂĄs informaciĂłn. $NULS $BTC $ETH
¥Blockchain Nuls! Auténtico y pionero

Una buena #criptomoneda , ademĂĄs de escalabilidad, rapidez, bajo costo y otros factores, debe ofrecer una soluciĂłn tecnolĂłgica de vanguardia, capaz de resolver problemas del mundo real y al mismo tiempo promover la adopciĂłn de criptomonedas haciĂ©ndolas mĂĄs fĂĄciles de usar. Sin embargo, lo que vemos hoy en dĂ­a es simplemente una clonaciĂłn del cĂłdigo de Ethereum. Estos proyectos, en lugar de innovar y crear una tecnologĂ­a propia que realmente aborde cuestiones actuales, terminan copiando perezosamente proyectos existentes y arrastrando viejos problemas del pasado, como problemas de escalabilidad y rendimiento. #Nuls , por ejemplo, fue responsable de ser pionero en la introducciĂłn del concepto de microservicios vinculados a una estructura modular multilingĂŒe.

Para saber mås, visita el canal de Nuls en YouTube llamado (NULS Blockchain) y obtén mås información.

Nuls Blockchain! Authentic and pioneering A good #cryptocurrency , in addition to scalability, speed, low cost and other factors, must offer a cutting-edge technological solution that is capable of solving real-world problems while simultaneously promoting the adoption of cryptocurrencies by making them easier to use. However, what we see today, is simply a cloning of Ethereum's code. These projects, instead of innovating and creating their own technology that truly addresses current issues, end up lazily copying existing projects and dragging along old problems from the past. such as scalability and performance issues. #Nuls for example, was responsible for pioneering the introduction of the concept of microservices linked to a multilingual #modular structure. To learn more, visit the Nuls YouTube channel called (NULS Blockchain) and find out more. $NULS $BTC $ETH
Nuls Blockchain! Authentic and pioneering

A good #cryptocurrency , in addition to scalability, speed, low cost and other factors, must offer a cutting-edge technological solution that is capable of solving real-world problems while simultaneously promoting the adoption of cryptocurrencies by making them easier to use. However, what we see today, is simply a cloning of Ethereum's code. These projects, instead of innovating and creating their own technology that truly addresses current issues, end up lazily copying existing projects and dragging along old problems from the past. such as scalability and performance issues. #Nuls for example, was responsible for pioneering the introduction of the concept of microservices linked to a multilingual #modular structure.

To learn more, visit the Nuls YouTube channel called (NULS Blockchain) and find out more.

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