📢 Market Update: #Machi Big Brother's Strategic Moves in the Aftermath of Market Crash

In a savvy move, Machi Big Brother has once again displayed a keen eye for opportunity by acquiring 367,028 $APE ($583K) from #Binance following the recent market crash. This calculated decision adds to his impressive portfolio, which has seen him accumulate a total of 1.88M #APE ($3M) from Binance throughout the month of August.

🔗 Address: [0x020ca66c30bec2c4fe3861a94e4db4a498a35872](https://etherscan.io/token/0x4d224452801aced8b2f0aebe155379bb5d594381?a=0x020ca66c30bec2c4fe3861a94e4db4a498a35872)

#pepe #altcoins $ETH $BTC