6. Raffle or Lottery Airdrops:

- Description: Tokens are distributed randomly to participants who enter a raffle or lottery. Entry might require holding a specific token or completing tasks.

- Example: A project might hold a lottery where 1,000 random participants win a portion of the airdrop.

7. Fork Merge Airdrops:

- Description: When a project merges with another or adopts a new protocol, it might distribute tokens to users of both platforms.

- Example: Two DeFi projects combining forces might airdrop the new token to users of both original platforms.

8. Incentive Airdrops:

- Description: Aim to incentivize certain behaviors within a platform, such as using a specific feature, participating in governance, or holding tokens for a certain period.

- Example: Users who participate in staking or governance voting on a platform might receive additional tokens as a reward.

Each type of airdrop has its own strategic purpose, often aiming to increase adoption, reward loyalty, or create network effects for the cryptocurrency or blockchain project.