Top 3 Coins Under $10 for a $10,000 Portfolio, Recommended

1. Convex Finance $CVX

Allocate Amount: $3,000

Current Price: $3.5 per token

Number of Tokens: Approximately 857 CVX

Potential: Convex Finance simplifies staking on, allowing liquidity providers to earn trading fees and boosted CRV without locking their tokens. By aggregating liquidity, Convex enhances yield opportunities, making it easier for users to maximize earnings without the complexities of direct staking.

2. Lido DAO $LDO

Allocate Amount: $3,000

Current Price: $2.1 per token

Number of Tokens: Approximately 1,429 LDO

Potential: Lido DAO offers liquid staking solutions for Ethereum and other proof-of-stake blockchains, enabling users to stake their assets while maintaining liquidity. Stakers receive staked tokens (e.g., stETH for Ethereum) that can be used in other DeFi protocols, increasing staking participation through flexibility and additional earning opportunities.

3. 1inch Network $1INCH

Allocate Amount: $4,000

Current Price: $0.41 per token

Number of Tokens: Approximately 9,756 1INCH

Potential: 1inch Network is a DEX aggregator that searches for the best prices across various DEXes, ensuring users get the most efficient trading rates by splitting orders among multiple DEXes. The 1INCH token is used for governance and utility within the 1inch ecosystem, allowing token holders to vote on protocol parameters and governance issues.

This diversified portfolio includes tokens targeting different aspects of DeFi and blockchain technology, offering growth opportunities across varied segments of the crypto market.


Research Yourself before investing, use only risk-worthy funds and take full responsibility for your decisions.

#CVX #1inch #LDO/USDT📈 #LidoDAO