The main reason for marriages breaking up is that couples enter into marriage without being prepared for it. A person may be married but still continues to engage in extramarital affairs. This lack of commitment leads to a lack of attraction in the marriage and eventually causes people to want to divorce.

These days, entering and leaving marriage is like a game. No one respects marriage and its status as it used to be. A stable marriage is the foundation of a sustainable society and a sign of the prosperity of the next generation. Turmoil in marriage is a sign of a lack of foundation in the first stage of building a nation or a community with a long-term perspective.

Infidelity or external relationships are one of the main reasons why people get divorced. When your partner finds out that you have another relationship outside the marriage, they feel neglected and fear being left. Many people choose to leave the marriage early rather than wait to be left.

Frequent conflicts and arguments are also a cause of divorce. Couples need to find ways to resolve their conflicts and reduce arguments that can disrupt their relationship. The signs that trouble is brewing include frequent fights and shouting, which can lead to one partner getting tired of it and deciding to leave.

Marrying at a young age is another factor that can lead to divorce. Couples who marry at an average age of 23.3 are more likely to divorce. Financial problems can also lead to divorce. Research has shown that a lack of money to run your plans as a couple can cause tension and disrupt your relationship.

Using drugs and substance abuse is another reason for divorce. About 30% of former couples have cited drug use as a reason for their divorce. Excessive alcohol, smoking, marijuana, cocaine, and other dru
gs can cause turmoil in any relationship, and marriage is not immune to the effects of drug use.

Lastly, physical and mental abuse account for about a quarter of all divorces. Those injustices don't necessarily have to be physical attacks, but also causing you mental anguish or even pushing you to have extreme thoughts. Being in a fragile mental state can make you hate yourself and even decide to commit suicide. Many people endure for a while, but injustices in marriage are dangerous, and so many decide to get a divorce before things escalate.

Interference from family and friends

There are marriages that break up because of interference from relatives on both sides. Differences between one of you in the marriage and the relatives of the other can mature into a big wound in your marriage. Eventually, your partner feels as if you are not doing anything to protect them from your relatives and decides to get a divorce. Hypo
crisy from your friends and relatives is also something you should be cautious about. Believing everything you are told by everyone without certainty is dangerous in a marriage. Always ensure you protect your partner's trust in everything you say and do.

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