🔍Curve Finance's CEO, Michael Egorov, clears the air on the recent UwU Lend hack, stating it wasn't a Curve exploit but a separate project's. The hacker, in a slick move, deposited stolen CRVs into LlamaLend and vanished, leaving a debt trail. Egorov urges UwU to re-verify contracts and rope in security auditors to recover losses.

Also, Egorov debunks the rumor about burning 10% of CRV tokens, blaming it on a fake account and gullible journalists. He confirms the full repayment of $10M bad debt caused by soft liquidations from the UwU exploit.

To manage future liquidation risks, Egorov suggests borrow caps for non-major cryptos and the creation of open-source liquidation bots. He also emphasizes community education about liquidations.