🚀 Bitget, a renowned cryptocurrency exchange, is set to launch the IO token from the decentralized AI computing and cloud platform, io.net. The IO token will be listed in the Innovation, DePin, AI, and Solana Ecosystem Zones. Trading will commence on June 11th, with withdrawals starting on June 12th. 💰

Bitget is also introducing io.net on its stake-to-mine platform, PoolX, allowing users to stake IO tokens and earn rewards. The total staking pool amounts to $100,000 worth of IO tokens, with a maximum limit of $300,000 IO for staking. The mining period begins on June 12th and ends on June 22nd.

The IO token operates as the standard currency for computing within io.net's ecosystem, which offers tools and services for developing, training, and deploying machine learning models on a blockchain infrastructure.

There's a fixed supply of 800 million IO tokens, with 500 million distributed during launch and the remaining 300 million generated as rewards for suppliers and stakers.

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