Cowcentrated Liquidity: A New Era of Yield Optimization When Beefy debuted on the Binance Smart Chain in October 2020, the frenzy of food token yield farms saw APRs soaring above 100,000%. With Beefy's exceptional automation, these yields compounded to generate APYs so staggering that they were simply represented by a đŸ”„ emoji. However, the euphoria of DeFi summer eventually subsided, leading to a decline in yields and token prices, prompting many to exit the space entirely. Nevertheless, Beefy remained steadfast, continuing its mission to simplify DeFi and facilitate its growth. While Beefy has expanded its offerings to include a diverse range of strategies such as lending markets, decentralized exchanges, perpetual market platforms, and liquid restaking tokens, prioritizing security and ease of use, the era of exorbitant yield farming yields now constitutes a smaller fraction of the overall DeFi landscape. Concentrated Liquidity In May 2021, Uniswap released v3 of their Decentralized Exchange (DEX) which introduced the concept of Concentrated Liquidity (CL). It was the most revolutionary technology in Automated Market Making since
well Uniswap v2. Hey, the @Uniswap team are exceptional builders, I don’t make the rules. Uniswap v3 is an incredibly powerful technology with unprecedented amounts of customizability to create a wide array of market making strategies. While the technology is powerful, the customizability led to slow uptake of the product. The advanced technology enables liquidity providers (LPs) to direct their capital to specific price ranges instead of over an infinitely wide range like Uniswap v2. This shift towards targeted liquidity allocation aims to improve capital efficiency and increase potential earnings by concentrating funds where they are most likely to be utilized and thus earn trading fees. It offers a nuanced approach to market making, providing LPs with the tools to more precisely manage their liquidity. However, this innovation also introduces significant complexity which makes it inaccessible for the majority of users.