Most bullish #Bitcoin 💰  setup of all time:

- Bitcoin ETFs were the most successful ETF launch ever.

- BlackRock quietly sprinkling Bitcoin into conservative bond funds.

- Post-halving upward price impact has yet to kick in.

- Wisconsin State Pension Fund allocating earlier than expected. Others will soon follow.

- Global desire to transition away from US sovereign debt as primary reserve asset due to weaponization of the dollar / seizure of sovereign assets.

- China selling US Treasuries and stacking hard money Gold. But Bitcoin is now harder money than gold.

- Central banks just starting rate cuts.

- Still very few investors properly articulating the Bitcoin bull case or demonstrating deep understanding of BTC. Still not a consensus investment.

- Investors still maxx allocated to equities & bonds, barely allocated to BTC.

- Only 1 out 195 countries have fully embraced BTC as a reserve asset.

- US institutions losing credibility by the day, BTC looks predictable and stable in comparison. It's becoming a "digital Switzerland" safe haven for wealth.

- Geo-political competition is rising, highlighting the need for neutral non-sovereign assets that can't be blown up or seized.

- US debt issues are gaining prominence, the need to debase currency is becoming more obvious, tens of trillions of value stored in sovereign debt needs a better home.

Bitcoin will likely blow through $100K this year IMO.

But most will be too distracted by the political circus to notice.

There's a distinct possibility that the US could elect a prisoner as president.

$1 Million #Bitcoin 💰 doesn't sound so shocking anymore, does it?