According to Odaily, Andrew, a founding member of the Ton blockchain, has made a significant announcement regarding the future of the platform. He stated that all subsequent Ton wallets will support the sending of Tether (USDT) and will also allow for gas fees to be paid in USDT. This development was shared by Andrew on platform X, citing a post from Ton's ecological wallet, TonKeeper.

This move is expected to enhance the flexibility and convenience of transactions on the Ton blockchain. By supporting USDT, a stablecoin pegged to the US dollar, users will be able to conduct transactions with less exposure to the volatility typically associated with cryptocurrencies. Furthermore, the ability to pay gas fees in USDT will likely streamline the transaction process, as users will not need to hold a separate cryptocurrency specifically for this purpose.

The announcement by Andrew is a clear indication of Ton's commitment to improving its platform and providing its users with more options for conducting transactions. It also underscores the growing acceptance and integration of stablecoins like USDT in the broader blockchain and cryptocurrency ecosystem. However, the exact timeline for when these changes will be implemented has not been specified.