The Golden Crossover is a significant event in technical analysis, occurring when a short-term moving average either simple or exponential crosses above a long-term moving average. This crossover indicates a shift in the price trend from bearish to bullish, signaling the beginning of an upward trend. Traders often use this event to predict positive price movements and initiate long positions when they observe or anticipate a golden cross.

Conversely, the Death Crossover or death cross is the opposite strategy. It happens when the short-term moving average falls below the long-term moving average, marking the start of a bearish trend. This signal prompts traders to consider short positions or exit long trades.

When a golden cross occurs, traders typically enter a long bullish position. For example, if the 20-day simple moving average SMA crosses above the 50-day SMA, it is a clear sign of a golden cross. The accompanying image illustrates this with blue arrows highlighting the crossover points on a price chart.

How Does It Work

The Golden Cross strategy relies on short-term momentum gains, causing the short-term moving average to rise more rapidly than the long-term average. Lets consider an example If the price of a cryptocurrency increases, the short-term moving average which calculates the average of the last 20 days closing prices will naturally rise. When this short-term average surpasses the long-term average based on the last 50 days closing prices, a golden cross is formed.

Stages of a Golden Cross

A Golden Cross unfolds in three stages

1. Trend Stage Initially, the price is in an established trend. As momentum slows and reverses, the gap between the short-term and long-term moving averages narrows. At this stage, the short-term moving average remains below the long-term moving average.

2. Crossover Stage The short-term moving average crosses above the long-term moving average, forming the golden cross. Traders typically enter bullish trades at this stage, anticipating a trend reversal.

3. Post-Crossover Stage The short-term moving average stays above the long-term moving average, confirming the uptrend. Traders expect a continued rally and sustained upward momentum.

Types of Moving Averages Used in Golden Crossover Strategies

1. Simple Moving Average SMA The SMA is the average of the closing prices over a specified number of periods. Common SMAs used in golden cross strategies include the SMA20, SMA50, and SMA200. These can also be referred to as daily moving averages DMA.

2. Exponential Moving Average EMA The EMA applies a multiplier to the simple moving average, giving more weight to recent prices. The formula for EMA is


EMA = Price t times s plus EMA y times 1 minus s


where t is today, y is yesterday, N is the number of days in the EMA, and s = 2 divided by N plus 1. Although EMAs are considered more responsive to price changes, their effectiveness depends on the traders strategy.

Advantages and Disadvantages


- Easy to Use The Golden Cross is straightforward. Once you understand it, you can monitor the two moving averages and make trades accordingly.

- Readily Available Moving averages are accessible on most trading platforms, which often provide tools to track crossovers and customize settings.

- Versatility The strategy is applicable to both trading and investing, with different time frames for short-term traders and long-term investors.


- Conditional Reliability The Golden Cross is effective under specific market conditions. Unexpected events like regulatory changes or economic announcements can disrupt the strategys accuracy, even if a golden cross has occurred.


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