🚀Korean regulators are feeling the heat to approve crypto ETFs, after the U.S. SEC gave a thumbs up to Ethereum ETFs. The world's second-largest crypto got the green light on May 24, 2024, following Bitcoin ETFs' approval in January 2024.

📊ETFs, the golden ticket for investors to gain exposure to a basket of securities, are seen as a bridge between traditional finance and the digital asset industry. But, the Korean FSC and FSS have been playing hard to get, insisting that ETFs stick to traditional underlying assets.

🔼The Korean Stockholders' Alliance head warns that if Seoul doesn't catch up with the U.S., investors might pack their bags and head to U.S. markets. He believes it's only a matter of time before the U.S. rolls out the red carpet for other less-traded cryptos.

💬What do you think? Will Seoul follow suit or continue to play hardball? Drop your thoughts below! #DeFi #Web3 #CryptoNews 🌐