Tokenomics is a crucial aspect of any blockchain project, as it determines the value and utility of a coin or token. However, founders often make certain mistakes when designing the tokenomics of their projects. These mistakes can have a significant impact on the success and sustainability of the project. Here is what Grigory Gonastarev, Founder and CEO of GriGon Tokenomics Consulting Agency ( says about typical mistakes that founders usually make and how to avoid them.

1. Overcomplicated Token Models: One common mistake founders make is creating overly complex token models. They may introduce multiple tokens with intricate interactions, confusing users and discouraging adoption. Instead, founders should aim for simplicity and clarity. A straightforward token model with a clear purpose and utility is more likely to attract users and investors. Yet, simplicity is not always required, but overcomplication has ruined lots of projects. 

2. Lack of Utility: Another mistake is failing to provide sufficient utility for the token. Utility is essential to ensure demand and value for the token. Founders should design tokenomics that incentivize holders to use the token within the ecosystem. This could involve rewarding token holders with exclusive access, voting rights, or reduced fees. Without utility, the token risks becoming useless and losing value. This idea “why someone should use or hodl the tokens'' is key, but really often it is being ignored. 

3. Poorly Calculated Inflationary Models: Many founders assume that an inflationary token model will guarantee continuous growth and attract investors. However, excessive inflation can devalue the token over time and erode investor confidence. It is crucial to strike a balance between token supply and demand to maintain a healthy token economy. Implementing mechanisms like staking or burning tokens can help control inflation and create scarcity, thereby increasing value
 But these mechanics are not magical and can fail - and guessing here what would work better is inappropriate. The best way to choose the right model and mechanics is to mathematically simulate the token performance.

4. Unsustainable Token Distribution: Improper token distribution is another common mistake made by founders. If a large portion of tokens is concentrated in the hands of a few individuals or entities, it can lead to centralization and reduced market participation. Founders should strive for a fair and inclusive vesting to encourage wider adoption and decentralization of the network. Offering token sales with tiered pricing or conducting airdrops to active community members are some strategies for achieving a more equitable distribution. And once again, these may be not suitable for a specific project. Just repeating after successful startups or large companies does not guarantee a win. 

5. Neglecting Community Engagement: Founders may overlook the importance of community engagement in building a thriving tokenomic ecosystem. Failing to foster an active and engaged community can result in limited adoption and liquidity, hindering the project's success. Founders should prioritize communication with the community, solicit feedback, and actively involve them in decision-making processes. This can be achieved through regular updates, community forums, and incentivizing participation.

The toolset to avoid those five and many other possible problems may include: computer simulations and mathematical modeling to analyze future token performance, conducting a thorough examination of the token ecosystem encompassing functionalities and utilities, forecasting smart contract sustainability and liquidity requirements. Additionally, projects may need to conduct a competitive analysis to identify key factors that have influenced both triumphs and failures. A user-token interaction map delineating the token ecosystem's flow and core mechanics of the token model, including a DeFi strategy, token distribution, and scheduled allocation/release charts with liquidity requirement forecasts, are also crucial.

In conclusion, founders must carefully consider tokenomics when launching their blockchain projects. There are many and many pitfalls to predict and assess. Thoughtful tokenomic design will not only attract users and investors but also build a strong foundation for the long-term success of the project. Hiring professional tokenomics specialists may of course be costly, but it can and will pay back once the project is launched.