Understanding Crypto Trading Jargons 🧐

some of the most common terms you’ll encounter in the crypto trading space:

Key Trading Terms

1. HODL:Originating from a typo, "HODL" means to hold onto your cryptocurrency rather than selling it, regardless of price volatility.

2. FOMO:Fear Of Missing Out. The anxiety that others are making significant profits that you might miss out on.

3. FUD:Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt. Negative information spread about cryptocurrencies to influence market sentiment.

4. Whale:A term for individuals or entities holding large amounts of cryptocurrency, capable of influencing market prices.

5. Bullish/Bull Market:Indicates a market trend where prices are expected to rise.

6. Bearish/Bear Market:Indicates a market trend where prices are expected to fall.

7. Altcoin:Any cryptocurrency other than Bitcoin.

8. ICO:Initial Coin Offering. A method for startups to raise funds by issuing new cryptocurrencies.

9. DeFi:Decentralized Finance. Financial systems built on blockchain technologies that operate without traditional intermediaries.

10. DApp:Decentralized Application. Applications that run on a blockchain network.

11. Staking:Holding funds in a cryptocurrency wallet to support the operations of a blockchain network. In return, participants receive rewards.

12. Gas:The fee required to execute a transaction on the Ethereum network.

13. Smart Contract:Self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code.

14. ATH:All-Time High. The highest price ever reached by a cryptocurrency.

15. Market Cap:The total market value of a cryptocurrency. Calculated as price per coin multiplied by the total supply.

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