Find out what PEPE Token is?

Key figures

Token name: PEPE

Stock code: PEPE

Blockchain: Ethereum

Token code: 0x6982508145454ce325ddbe47a25d4ec3d2311933

Token Type: None

Total supply: 420,690,000,000,000 PEPE

Supply: 420,690,000,000,000 PEPE

Cases where PEPE tokens are used

The PEPE token has no utility and does not represent any real-world project. Simply, this represents a humorous and fun image that is loved and popular in the world. Therefore, PEPE is understood as a form of trend-following speculative token. Investors should not invest long-term because its fluctuations are very strong.

Allocation rate

PEPE coins are allocated according to the detailed ratio as follows:

Liquidity: 93.1% - 391,662,390,000,000 PEPE

List by CEX: 6.9% - 29,027,610,000,000 PEPE$PEPE