**Top AI Coins for 2024**

**1. Fetch.ai (FET)**

* Focuses on building a decentralized network for autonomous agents and intelligent services.

* Aims to create a Web3 economy powered by AI.

**2. SingularityNET (AGIX)**

* An open-source platform that connects users to a global network of AI tools and services.

* Provides tools for building, deploying, and monetizing AI solutions.

**3. Ocean Protocol (OCEAN)**

* Decentralizes the sharing and monetization of data.

* Allows data providers and consumers to connect and trade data securely through AI-powered tools.

**4. Numeraire (NMR)**

* Leverages AI to create datasets that train predictive models.

* Rewards users for providing data and contributing to model predictions.

**5. Flux (FLX)**

* A cloud computing platform that offers decentralized AI processing capabilities.

* Enables developers to train and deploy AI models on a distributed network.

**6. Graph (GRT)**

* An indexing protocol that makes it easy to search and explore blockchain data.

* AI-powered tools help users analyze data and identify trends.

**7. Chainlink (LINK)**

* A decentralized oracle network that provides reliable and tamper-proof data to smart contracts.

* AI algorithms can enhance data accuracy and improve contract execution.

**8. Aleo (ALEO)**

* A privacy-focused blockchain that uses AI to protect user data.

* Provides a secure and scalable environment for AI applications.

**9. SingularityDAO (SDAO)**

* A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) that funds and supports the development of AI projects.

* Provides a framework for AI research and innovation.

**10. Orion Protocol (ORN)**

* An aggregation protocol that connects traders to multiple exchanges and liquidity pools.

* AI-powered tools assist in finding the best prices and executing trades.