Russia Made a Strategic Move towards Turkey in the Halal Market. 🇷🇺🇹🇷

In the dynamic landscape of global trade, strategic partnerships are essential for fostering economic growth and tapping into emerging markets. Russia's recent move towards Turkey in the halal market exemplifies a strategic shift with far-reaching implications.

The halal market has witnessed exponential growth, transcending trillions of dollars globally. Maxim Protasov, President of RusQuality, underscores this phenomenon, attributing it to the surging demand for halal products and services, particularly in Muslim-majority countries.

RusQuality, a leading Russian certification organization, aims to leverage this growth by expanding the export of Russian goods and services. Protasov emphasizes the importance of collaborating with Turkish companies and certification bodies to mutually recognize certifications, facilitating smoother trade relations between the two nations.

Russia and Turkey share common ground in implementing halal standards, paving the way for collaboration across various sectors. Protasov highlights opportunities for joint efforts in tourism, citing the steady flow of tourists between the two countries as a testament to their shared interests.

The discussions between RusQuality and the Halal Accreditation Authority (HAK) signal a commitment to deeper cooperation in the halal market. Protasov's confidence in mutual recognition and collaboration underscores Russia's determination to strengthen economic ties with Turkey in this lucrative sector.

Russia's strategic move towards Turkey in the halal market underscores the growing importance of halal trade and signals promising prospects for enhanced economic cooperation between the two nations. As they embark on this collaborative journey, both countries stand to unlock new opportunities and foster mutual prosperity in the evolving global marketplace.

#Turkey #Russia #RusQuality #HAK