Artificial intelligence — also known as AI — has been in the news a lot recently. While it’s becoming more powerful and capable, there’s a growing number of people who are concerned about it for various reasons. Artificial intelligence can affect pretty much everything in our lives in so many ways. In this article, we’ll look at financial services and how they’re being impacted by artificial intelligence.

About Artificial Intelligence

The term ‘artificial intelligence’ refers to computer systems being trained to perform tasks that would usually require human input. Some of the many tasks that artificial intelligence systems can carry out include:

  • Translating a text from one language to another

  • Making decisions

  • Analysing large amounts of data

  • Following voice commands

  • Interpret patterns

Programmers make computer systems ‘intelligent’ by showing them how to respond to certain things and how to complete specific actions. It’s by no means a simple process because it requires a lot of time and work to make an artificial intelligence system perform effectively.

While it may sound like artificial intelligence is something of the future, it’s already widely used in different spheres. Lots of gaming sites, including the best Indian online casinos you can find at, have a live chat features where you can message and receive replies generated by AI. It’s been pre-programmed with all the information necessary to respond to questions about the site.

How Does Artificial Intelligence Affect Financial Services?

Many sectors are embracing artificial intelligence because of the numerous benefits it can bring. In financial services, using artificial intelligence can make things easier, smoother, and more convenient for customers and employees.

Artificial intelligence may be controversial and might not have the best reputation, but many organisations use it because the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

In the following two sections, we’ll look at artificial intelligence is impact on financial services, focusing on institutions first and the customer second.


The main impact artificial intelligence is having on financial institutions has to do with data analysis. A fully programmed AI system can analyse vast amounts of data considerably more quickly than people, offering detailed reports, suggestions, and recommendations much faster, too. It’s not just data related to money that can be used; personal data can also be analysed. For example, a system can look at lots of people’s data (age, health, gender, etc.) to determine things like insurance policies and coverage.

For bank accounts, AI can track a person’s spending habits and alert the bank to any irregularities, such as a random, unexpected purchase in a foreign country. This can help cut down on fraud and make online banking safer for people to use. Furthermore, with data analysis, AI can predict with a high degree of accuracy when fraud is likely to take place. It does this by looking at huge amounts of historical data and focusing on patterns, trends, and any irregularities.

Thanks to artificial intelligence, financial institutions can become much more efficient and effective. With various processes fully automated, institutions don’t have to spend as much money on staff; the staff they do have can use their time more productively and meaningfully. They can also become more secure by becoming better at detecting anomalies and attempts to commit fraud.

The Customer

These days, most people are used to banking online. They’re accustomed to using banking websites and apps to manage their finances, make payments, and add funds to their accounts. The need for face-to-face contact is gradually becoming less important; why visit a bank and speak to someone to make a deposit when you can easily do it on your phone in a matter of seconds?

Artificial intelligence is making the customer experience even more convenient and hassle-free. We talked earlier about live chat, which many banking websites and apps use. With AI, the messages you receive can be just as relevant as if a person were typing them. However, the key advantage is that you never have to wait for a live chat agent to become available because AI can be used simultaneously with any number of people. Queuing for a chat with a team member is a thing of the past.

There’s also the process of applying for loans and bank cards. Typically, someone would read through an application, and there’s no telling how long it could take for the applicant to receive a reply. With AI, there’s no need to wait around. As soon as the submission is made, the AI system will check it and determine whether the application has been successful or not.

The Drawbacks of Artificial Intelligence in Financial Services

While it certainly sounds like artificial intelligence can positively impact finance, it’s important to point out that AI isn’t a magic bullet that will solve problems. For it to be effective and better than humans, it needs a lot of programming. Also, there need to be checks in place to ensure that the results produced by artificial intelligence are accurate, meaningful, and correct.

Institutions have to learn how best to use artificial intelligence. If they’re going to embrace it and welcome the impact it has on financial services, they have to know how to respond to it. Since AI constantly evolves, institutions that use it must evolve with it. There’s no telling where it will take us shortly or what it might be capable of. But when it comes to the world of financial services, the impact is sure to be incredibly beneficial.