Taking Profits

Although it can be easy to get carried away, it’s always good to take some profits when you can. With this particular Dual Investment strategy, you can benefit from additional returns and realize some of your crypto gains in the future.

1. Select the Sell High Dual Investment product on Binance Earn. In this example, we’ll look at an Ether (ETH) product. Let's say the current ETH price is $2,900 (all prices given in TUSD).

2. We’ll set a Target Price of $3,500 and the Settlement Date for a week’s time. 

3. We’ll then have the chance to sell the deposited ETH at the Target Price if it’s reached on the Settlement Date in a week. If ETH is 3,500 TUSD or above on the Settlement Date, it will be sold for TUSD.

This removes the situation of forgetting to take your profits or not doing so due to greed! At the same time, you’ll also be earning APR.

4. If your Target Price isn’t reached on the Settlement Date, you’ll still earn APR on the deposited ETH and receive the ETH back.