My encounter and lost opportunities in Bitcoin is one of the most intriguing one in the whole wide world.

I loved reading Times Magazine and the Economist. These were my favourite magazines because they helped in my writing endeavors as a practising journalist .

Now, I had read about Bitcoin in the Times magazine that I bought in 2009. I still remember vividly the way the short story about the new kind money called Crytocurrency (BITCOIN) and how that investors were already investing. The price indicated at the time of that publication was $0.29 .

Coming from America, I concluded the story was for them and not for people in Africa.

well, all is now history, I got to find out again 6 years later that I did my self a great disservice by not researching further on Bitcoin. Six year later in 2016 I became aware of Bitcoin again and I asked a friend to help me by 5 Bitcoins .But he discouraged me twice in a significant manner with claims that 'it's Chinese boys that are manipulating Bitcoin" and that "I should forget about it".

Friends, by 2017 as we all know, BT C become $20000. I was deceived....the friend met me in 2018 and said he has 4 Bitcoin. 2018. I wish I can have 1 Bitcoin in my wallet . hmmm

#bitcoinhalving $BTC $BNB