The U.S. economy is showing signs of weakness, and economists predict that the probability of an economic recession in the near future is increasing. With this in mind, it’s prudent to take measures that will safeguard your financial well-being regardless of what happens in the economy. It’s common knowledge that a recession can have devastating effects on individuals and businesses, but there are ways you can prepare yourself for the unexpected. Here are 5 strategies for preparing yourself for a potential recession:

Change Your Approach to Saving and Investing

If we’re entering a recession, then now is not the time to increase your spending and decrease your savings. Instead, you should try to save as much as possible, even if it means adjusting your lifestyle. One way to increase your saving is to reduce your investment returns. Although this may seem counterintuitive, it makes sense if you consider that during a recession, stock prices fall and bond yields drop, so your investment portfolio will yield a lower return. This means that you’re spending less money on your investments and, therefore, have more to save. Another way to increase your savings is to cut back on your expenses. This may not be easy, but it’ll be worth it if it helps you get through a recession without any financial stress. Avoid eating out or buying things you don’t need, and try to minimize your spending in all other areas as well.

Reduce Debt and Boost Reserves

If a recession occurs, there’s a good chance that interest rates will drop. This is generally a sign of a weak economy, so, likely, your interest rates on any debt you may have will also drop. Therefore, if you have any type of debt, try to pay it off as soon as possible. Successfully paying off debt reduces your future expenses and boosts your finances, allowing you to better withstand a recession if it occurs. Another way to boost your reserves is to increase your savings. This is especially important if you work in a field that’s prone to layoffs.

Diversify Risk and Monitor Investments

One of the biggest mistakes people make during a recession is investing all of their money in stocks. This is an extremely risky approach, and if a recession occurs, your money may be lost. Instead, try to diversify your investments so that you’re not solely relying on stocks. This may seem like common sense, but many people don’t take this approach during a recession, and they end up losing a lot of money. Another thing you should monitor is the amount of risk that you’re taking with your investments. If you’re investing in risky stocks or commodities, you’ll probably want to lower your risk as the economy weakens. You should also keep a close eye on interest rates, foreign exchange rates, and commodities like oil. Any significant changes in these areas may indicate weaknesses in the economy.

Don’t Panic or Sell When Stocks Drop

When the economy is doing well, stock prices rise and most people sell their stocks at a high price. This is known as the “sell high” approach, and it’s the exact opposite of what you should do during a recession. When the economy weakens and stock prices fall, you should “sell low” and buy more stocks. This sounds the opposite of what you should do, but it makes sense when you consider the details. During a recession, companies are likely to experience less demand and may lower their prices in response. This will cause the value of their stocks to fall. This is actually a good thing because it means you can buy stocks at a much lower price and expect them to rise when the economy starts to recover.

Be Aware of Dark Clouds Ahead

A recession may be imminent, but there are no guarantees. Although there are plenty of signs that a recession is coming, there are no guarantees that it will happen. With this in mind, you should always be prepared for the worst. Try to save as much money as possible, and don’t go out and spend everything you have. Another way to prepare for the worst is to invest in assets that don’t fluctuate with the economy. For example, you can invest in real estate or gold, which tends to increase in value during a recession. You can also diversify your assets by investing in a range of different assets, such as stocks, real estate, and commodities.


A recession is always a scary thought, but it’s important to remember that they come and go. Your best bet is to prepare yourself for the worst and hope for the best. If you follow these 5 strategies, you should be in a much better position to handle a recession if it arrives. It’s also important to keep in mind that, although a recession may be coming, there’s no way for anyone to know exactly when it will happen. So, don’t be too eager to take action just because you’ve read these tips. Rather, take these tips as a precautionary measure in the event of an economic downturn.