Woman: "Do you have a suite in the Third Ring Road?"

Man: "Oh, I don't!"

Woman: "Do you have an Audi, Mercedes-Benz, or BMW?"

Man: "No!"

Woman: "Do you have a 7-digit deposit?"

Man: "No!"

Woman: "Then what do you have?"

Man: "I... um 😓"

The woman turned and left. Suddenly the man said: "I just bought Musk's new dog gold pu.ppes. Based on my 10 years of experience in playing coins, I found that pu.ppes is a potential stock. It won't take long to double hundreds of times."

The woman immediately turned around and hugged the man's waist, and said with admiration: " why didn't you say it earlier? That's enough! What company are you the boss of?"

Man: "I am the group leader.

Finally, I recommend a new coin, Musk's new dog puppe.s, which can make you rich.