What is SAGA**

Saga is an innovative Layer 1 blockchain protocol offering unique solutions for developers, particularly in gaming and entertainment. It's designed to enable the creation of “Chainlets,” which are dedicated, parallelized, and interoperable blockchain environments that can scale infinitely horizontally. This means applications can grow without encountering typical performance bottlenecks.


1. Developers use SAGA to pay network validators for initializing and maintaining their Chainlets.

2. Holders can stake SAGA tokens and Stakers secure the network and receive SAGA and other project tokens as rewards.

3. Token holders have a say in network governance decisions.

** SAGA fund raise and investors**

Saga has successfully raised $15 million through various investments and partnerships, including those of companies like Samsungnext and Polygon. It supports 350 projects, with a majority in gaming, and has established significant collaborations with other Layer 1 protocols for scaling solutions, most notably with Polygon, Avalanche, and Celestia.

An important Coin which may go up ....Lets get started as soon as it launches with lots of good wishes ....!