#Write2Earrn HOW TO MAKE $10 daily

Influence: start by investing $100 (Coin not specified)

Me: which coin?

Influencer: trade any coin with volatility around 10-20%

Me: But how? I am a beginner….

It is so funny how some tipped influencers just expect beginners to start trading without mentorship nor training. Why say learn how to make $xxx everyday when the steps are no in touch with reality?

In my own Opinion a beginner trader can invest the $XXX in Binance launch pool and farm coins. When the coin is launched, you can sell at the market price of your choice (short term investor) or hold for a long term profit (Long term investor).


You can as well invest in Binance earn while your investment yields interest.


You can as well consider investing in Dual investment, etc.

Note: Understanding your risk appetite is crucial to a successful investment and always Do your own research.