The official POOL VOID players guide v.1.1



POOL VOID is a conceptual artwork developed by artist Jimmy Edgar. It utilizes an Ethereum ENS address, poolvoid.eth, as a platform for an innovative digital art experience, combining elements of cryptocurrency, NFTs, and blockchain technology. The work is meant to be an experiential & immersive “sculpture” that has psychological and social elements.

Purpose and Vision

POOL VOID is designed as a digital wishing well, inviting users to engage in an act of release and "letting go." The artwork aims to evoke a range of emotions, from joy to regret, through the experience of deliberate loss by one’s own volition. It challenges participants to confront their intentions in giving, creating a unique intersection between art, finance and metadigital experience.

"Metadigital" in a metaphysical context refers to philosophical concepts or theories exist in the digital realm. This could mean discussing the nature of digital reality, the implications of digital existence, or the philosophical aspects of living in an increasingly digital world. This might include discussions about virtual reality, digital consciousness, or the nature of information and reality in a digital age.

User Experience and Interaction

The interaction with POOL VOID is intentionally simple: users send cryptocurrency or NFTs to poolvoid.eth, effectively releasing them into the digital "void." This act of giving is a personal decision, allowing users to confront their own psychological and emotional motivations, especially given the public and immutable nature of blockchain transactions. This also creates what Jimmy describes as a “sculpture of liquidity” that can be shaped and molded by transactions with the wallet address.


Utilizing Twitter as a primary platform, Jimmy Edgar has engaged an audience of crypto community with frequent, enigmatic tweets. These posts, characterized by humor and mystery, employ gamification techniques to build excitement and anticipation around POOL VOID. Jimmy explicitly informs his audience that he is using AI, cognitive heuristics, neuro linguistic programming (NLP) and gamification to create lore around the work.

This experience has led to a cult following of participants (aka voidooors) who have reported transcendental experiences with POOL VOID. In addition, the community has created countless meme content around the immersive artwork.

Conceptual Foundations

Drawing inspiration from Yves Klein's immaterial artworks, POOL VOID explores the concept of non-material digital art. It challenges traditional notions of art creation and ownership, emphasizing the less physical, more conceptual nature of digital assets.

The Void as a Liquidity Sculpture

The artwork conceptualizes the void as a cryptocurrency liquidity sculpture, formed by the accumulation of blockchain data from user contributions. This approach merges artistic expression with elements of finance and technology, redefining the boundaries of digital art.

Exploring Financial Art

POOL VOID plays with the concept of financial scams as an art form, while being explicit about its nature as art and entertainment. This approach serves both educational and entertainment purposes, challenging conventional perceptions and encouraging audience engagement.

Conclusion: A New Paradigm of Digital Art

POOL VOID is a pioneering digital art form, a virtual wishing well that allows for deep exploration of psychological, social, and metaphysical ideas. The artwork is framed by the ENS poolvoid.eth, with the wallet acting as a container for the liquidity and asset-based sculpture. This project marks a new era in digital art, where blockchain technology is not just a medium, but a critical component of the artistic expression.

Guide Introduction

POOL VOID is an interactive artwork that combines the world of cryptocurrency with artistic expression. This virtual wishing well allows you to "let go and release" by sending cryptocurrency and digital assets into the void.

What is POOL VOID?

POOL VOID is a digital sculpture of cryptocurrency liquidity, a unique art piece that exists in the digital realm. It allows participants to send cryptocurrencies and digital assets to poolvoid.eth, symbolizing the act of letting go and setting intentions.

Getting Started

Participating in POOL VOID

  • Sending Assets: To participate, send cryptocurrency or Ethereum artwork to poolvoid.eth. The blockchain transaction acts as a represention of your intention being released into a void.

  • Making a Wish: As you send your assets, take a moment to make a wish or set an intention. This mental act is central to the experience of "POOL VOID".

  • Cryptocurrencies: While all cryptocurrencies are accepted, the most significant are $VOID, $ETH, $WBTC, $PORK, $PEPE, $PNDC, $TETHER and $USDC. The idea is that value, speculation and attachment are linked to digital assets making each currency or asset unique in its ability to create a personal challenge to release them into POOL VOID.


The best way to see your full participation with poolvoid.eth is to use Etherscan. Participants who want a more deep and meaningful experience will choose to create their own VOID RECEIPT

VOID RECEIPT is a POOL VOID blockchain artwork that quantifies your participation with poolvoid.eth

These receipts are unique and contain metadata including:

  • VOID RECEIPT number

  • Date of VOID RECEIPT mint

  • Your Ethereum wallet address

  • DEPOSITS including $ETH, $WBTC, $PORK, $PEPE, $PNDC

  • HOLDINGS include $VOID


  • ACHIEVEMENTS as metadata type attributes

  • Total amount of TRANSACTIONS





  • Due to the nature of the VOID RECEIPT Ethereum contract, each mint reflects the wallet associated with the transactions.


The concept for POOL VOID formed with Jimmy Edgar’s artwork GOD CANDLE. Jimmy called on the collectors to burn the artwork to release all speculation. Shortly after, poolvoid.eth was opened up for the world to participate.

Here are a list of artworks that accumulate POINTS when you send them to poolvoid.eth:








  • $VOID


As you engage with POOL VOID, you'll unlock ACHIEVEMENTS. These are transactions that users choose to contribute to the sculpture. ACHIEVEMENTS are immaterial objects, emotions and digital materials. Each ACHIEVEMENT appears on your VOID RECEIPT as metadata attributes.

Here is a full list of ACHIEVEMENTS transactions in Ethereum:

  • 0.0000001 OBSERVE

  • 0.001001 NULL

  • 0.0011 POOL TOY

  • 0.00111 CHLORINE

  • 0.0022022022 GUMMY

  • 0.00333 BLEACH

  • 0.00505 LED

  • 0.00555 SWIMWEAR

  • 0.006006 JOY

  • 0.00666 POOL SLIDE

  • 0.0069 VOID

  • 0.00696969 FROG

  • 0.00777 EMPTINESS

  • 0.007777777 COPE


  • 0.01001 CLEAR

  • 0.010101 MILK

  • 0.01111 GOLDEN

  • 0.012121 SILENCE

  • 0.01313 CHROME

  • 0.020202 GLASS


  • 0.0222 NOTHING

  • 0.03003 TADPOLE

  • 0.030303 DREAM

  • 0.030403 INFLATABLE

  • 0.033033 LILY

  • 0.0333 TRIANGLE

  • 0.0333333 METAMORPHOSIS

  • 0.0413 LOVE

  • 0.04444 PLASTIC

  • 0.05005 SCAM

  • 0.0555 MIRROR

  • 0.060606 CHEMICAL

  • 0.0666 DEMON

  • 0.0696969 PONDSCUM

  • 0.07007007 POISON

  • 0.070707 ACRYLIC

  • 0.0777 AIR

  • 0.08008 OIL

  • 0.080808 OXYGEN

  • 0.0888 METAL

  • 0.09119119 INSANITY

  • 0.0999999 PVC

  • 0.10000001 VIRTUAL

  • 0.1001001001 MIND

  • 0.10101 HEAVEN

  • 0.10301 PHOTON


  • 0.1111 PLATINUM

  • 0.111111 ACCELERATION

  • 0.12012 BIOTECH

  • 0.123456 ASCENDING

  • 0.131313 ETHEREAL

  • 0.1337 DIGITAL


  • 0.222222 HIGHER PURPOSE

  • 0.30303 QUANTUM

  • 0.314 PI

  • 0.333 PYRAMID

  • 0.3333 MARBLE

  • 0.333333 SALVATION

  • 0.3945 VOIDED ORANGE

  • 0.4114 BOOST

  • 0.42069 DEGEN

  • 0.444 LIQUID

  • 0.444444 OBELISK

  • 0.5 FIRE

  • 0.5005005 FAITH

  • 0.50505 HOT STEEL

  • 0.555 WATER

  • 0.654321 DESCENDING

  • 0.666 FINANCE

  • 0.666666 VANTABLACK

  • 0.6969 SEX

  • 0.777 CLOUD

  • 0.90909 RUBBER

  • 0.999 WEALTH


  • 1.010101 LAVA

  • 1.1 ALIEN

  • 1.111 IMMATERIAL

  • 1.111111 VOIDED VIOLET

  • 1.21212 ABUNDANCE

  • 1.333 ANGEL

  • 1.618033988749 PHI


  • 2.222 WHITE RABBIT

  • 2.222222 UNREAL

  • 2.333333 VOIDED BLACK

  • 3 PEARL

  • 6 MASTER


Most transactions to poolvoid.eth earn you POINTS

  • POINTS can be accumulated by sending transaction of $ETH, $WBTC, $PEPE & $PNDC. This value is based on USD conversion so your POINTS will fluctuate based on market conditions

  • HOLDINGS include $VOID held in your Ethereum wallet at the time of mint

  • ACHIEVEMENTS accrue POINTS in addition to the Ethereum value

  • VOID ARTWORKS sent to poolvoid.eth contribute to POINTS

  • MULTIPLERS multiply your POINTS


Sending specified Ethereum transactions will multiply your POINTS. Note that it is possible to use negative multiplication to adjust your POINTS in different ways. Each MULTIPLIER can be acquired an unlimited amount of times.

Here is a full list of MULTIPLIERS transactions in Ethereum:

  • 3.069 100x

  • 1.069 33x

  • 0.5166 -55x

  • 0.333 69x

  • 0.127267 10x

  • 0.1111 2.2x

  • 0.0999 13.3x

  • 0.0777 3.3x

  • 0.06996 11x

  • 0.5669 -9x

  • 0.0555 1.5x

  • 0.00977 -1x

  • 0.00679 8x

  • 0.00678 8x

Here is a full list of POINTS transactions in $WBTC:

  • 0.1 111x

  • 0.0777 50x

  • 0.01111 11x

  • 0.01 6x

  • 0.005 3.3x

  • 0.00333 1.3x

Here is a full list of POINTS transactions in $PEPE:

  • 200,000,000 5.5x

  • 999,999,999 12x

  • 2,000,000,000 66x


Each newly minted VOID RECEIPT will generate you a new BADGE. BADGES are distinctive emblems that mark your affiliation within the POOL VOID community.


$VOID is the official L2 cryptocurrency of POOL VOID on Base. $VOID is acquired by minting POOL VOID artworks. Anyone can mint artworks on the platform to get $VOID creating a community experience.

$VOID held in your wallet acquires POINTS on POOL VOID RECEIPTS, this experience is called HOE (Hold On Eternally)

$VOID artworks sent to poolvoid.eth acquires POINTS

Dissolve your POOL VOID experience

Dissolve your POOL VOID experience by sending a transaction of Ethereum to poolvoid.eth which enables a 0x MULTIPLIER. This effectively “voids” all of your points to 0, this metadigital act reflects this on your final VOID RECEIPT. Once the transaction is sent, mint a new VOID RECEIPT to find your POINTS have a new feature unlocked.

  • 0.3945 VOIDED ORANGE

  • 1.111111 VOIDED VIOLET

  • 2.333333 VOIDED BLACK


POOL VOID is more than an artwork; it's an experience that intertwines the digital world of cryptocurrency with the artistic expression of letting go. Engage, interact, and watch as your wishes and intentions become part of this ever-evolving digital sculpture.

POOL VOID provides an opportunity to learn lessons about attachment, speculation, autonomy and self awareness. The artwork is permanently installed on the Ethereum blockchain creating an immutable experience that will last as long as the blockchain endures.

The next steps

POOL VOID & poolvoid.eth has been used by third parties to collect data and provide opportunity for decentralized finance protocols.

it's entirely possible that POOL VOID could function as a liquidity pool within the context of decentralized finance (DeFi). In this scenario, users would contribute cryptocurrency or NFTs to the poolvoid.eth address, effectively adding liquidity to the pool. This liquidity could then be utilized for various purposes, such as facilitating trades, providing liquidity for decentralized exchanges (DEXs), or enabling borrowing and lending activities.

As users contribute assets to the pool, they would receive pool tokens representing their share of the pool's liquidity. These tokens could be used to track ownership and facilitate participation in the pool's activities.

By framing POOL VOID as a liquidity pool, it would align with the broader DeFi ecosystem, offering participants the opportunity to earn rewards or fees based on their contributions to the pool. Additionally, it could introduce new dimensions to the artwork, such as the ability to shape the pool's dynamics through collective decision-making or governance mechanisms.

Overall, integrating POOL VOID as a liquidity pool adds another layer of functionality and utility to the project, further enhancing its appeal and relevance within the crypto and DeFi communities.

POOL VOID could also serve as a conceptual space for artistic expression and exploration, transcending traditional boundaries of digital art and inviting participants to engage with abstract concepts of existence, consciousness, and the nature of reality. In this context, POOL VOID becomes a platform for immersive experiences, interactive installations, and collaborative projects, where users contribute their creativity and perspectives to shape a collective narrative within the digital void.