Let's calculate the growth of #Solana ($SOL):

On 11-05-2020, it was priced at $0.50, and on 06-11-2021, it reached $260.0. The current price is $190.1.

To find the percentage increase from $0.5 to $260, subtract the initial value from the final value, divide by the initial value, and multiply by 100.

Difference = $260 - $0.5 = $259.5

Percentage Increase = (Difference / Initial Value) * 100 = ($259.5 / $0.5) * 100 = 51900%

Therefore, the percentage increase from $0.5 to $260 is 51900%.

If you invested $1000 in #SOL in 2020, you would have owned $520,000 by 2021 and at least $300,000 by now.

Final Amount = $1000 + ($1000 * 51900/100)

= $1000 + ($1000 * 519)

= $1000 + $519000

= $520000