Bitcoin: King of Meme Coins!

Part 2

It comes down then to Scarcity, Acceptability and Durability.

The Scarcity part (in my opinion) is not to be correlated with circulation supply. Not directly at least. Circulation supply differentiates the availability/accessibility of the coin and ultimately its unit price... but not the total Market Cap. In that sence Shib can never have a comparable unit price to the king but it can very much have a comparable market cap. So Scarcity cannot differentiate the "real" value!

What about Acceptability then? Hmm.... the audience must accept it. Well then... it does for BTC and it does for DOGE. Again it is a matter of various levels of Acceptability not the essence of Acceptability.

So... it is down to Durability then? Okay... guess what... all the same. Bitcoin is older but is it more durable? You might say a resounding yes but since you or me are not the "clairvoyant" we have a very limited span of perception of time. The cynical and correct answer is "nobody really knows".

Last check... use cases maybe? Again, Bitcoin is favorable... at this point in time (the voice of the cynical)!

That was a long post... but to put a conclusion to my thoughts... it's all about perceptions (for now at least) and nothing more. Obviously Bitcoin is in power. We live in its era... but guess what... empires have crumbled under the pressure of time don't you ever believe that a digital store of value can't or won't! There is no scientific way to prove that BTC is in long term more viable. You have the perception it is, given this moment's available data. You do well to think so... for now!!!

So yes... as far as I am concerned the jury is still out on that. And yes, Bitcoin is indeed a glorified Meme coin until proven differently in a period far in the future that we may never witness!

As always... not a financial advise. DYOR and have fun in crypto wonderland!


#memecoin‏⁩ #MemecoinSupercycle #PEPEALERT