In the past several days, iCryptoAI has been bullish on the #Gaming Category with tokens like $GALA . Today, iCryptoAI predicted that $PIXEL is on it's bullish sentiment.

Here's how it's done, we'll be looking at:

  1. Whale buying power

  2. Smart Money actions

  3. How high will PIXEL be?

Let's get into it.

  1. Whale buying power:

Since March 7th, Big whales as well as the VCs/ Funds have been strongly buying PIXEL continuously, and most significant buying power of which is today.

  • Top Holders:

In the past 14 days, the Top Holders of PIXEL have strongly bought 4.38M ($3.48M), which have shown their bullish interest. In the past 24 hours, their total balance spiked up by buying 1.33M ($1.06M).

PIXEL - Top Holder Daily Balance
  • Whales:

The Whales have bought 2.12M ($1.69M) in the past 14 days, and have not shown any signs of taking profits. And as of today, they recently bought 186.72K ($148.66K), continued their buying trend.

PIXEL - Whale Daily Balance
  1. Smart Money actions:

Smart Money Traders shown us the best surprise yet. Just in the course of 14 days, they have bought 128.05K ($101.59K), which was 657.72% higher than what they bought before. And their bullish interest continued on by buying 17.87K ($14.18K) today.

PIXEL - Smart Money Daily Balance

And when looking at the Smart Traders on DEX (calculated by iCryptoAI). The report has shown that Trading Trend of these traders is accumulating. In the past 7D, they have accumulated 133.7K PIXEL ($106.5K) at the avg. price = $0.84 📈.

  1. How high will PIXEL be?

Although the answer is still unclear, we can be sure that PIXEL will be $1 in the near future. And our R&D team predicted that it may be on it's path to $10 as well in the long-run.

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