‼️Don’t put all your eggs in one basket 🐣🐣🐣

Crypto Diversification Tips 💎

There are some investors, didn’t maximize their profit and capital’s income due to 1 mistake. They don’t know how to diversify.


➡️No one among us can predict when is the peak of the bullrun and even the end of the bear market unless we see it’s price action and the market sentiment.

➡️No one among us aswell, knows which coins will going to explode 🚀

➡️What we have are the fundamentals and game plan when to execute and when to exit.

To maximize your investment, you need to be smarter than the market, and part of being smart is portfolio diversification.

Here are some tips in diversifying your portfolio:

1. Allocate most of your capital on large caps coins. The reason is simple, the large cap coins are the more trusted by the investors, these are the projects which performed well from the past cycles and has a strong foundation and community. Personally, Im putting 50% to 70% of my capital to the large cap coins like $BTC , $ETH ,$BNB . Though it is less reward but less risk. My priority is to always protect my capital.

2. You can invest in mid cap coins but it’s your call. The other investors doing it to secure gains that they can’t gain from the larger caps. Personally I’m hodling mid cap coins that I can stake to gain potential rewards from airdrops, staking or providing liquidity. I think around 20% more or less for mid cap coins is fine.

3. If you want a thrill in your investing journey, you can bet on small caps such as meme coins, new launch coins like launchpool or launchpad coins and others. But remember, although the gains of these coins are promising, but there’s a chance as well that you can lose the amount you invest. Maybe around 10 to 15 % is fine.

4. Make sure that you always, have stable coins such as usdt, usdc, busd and others. The reason is, incase there’s a dip and opportunity in the market, you can buy from the dip and accumulate more.

