🔴🔴 Lets try something stupid, or smart depending if your IQ is bellow or above room temperature 🔴🔴

👉My current strategy is to buy all the shitcoins. I already own btc, bnb and Sol. Currently throwing 100usd into every shitcoin I see get posted frequently and currently hold about 120 different shitcoins.

this is not financial advice, do not take advice from people on social media, everyone is a genious in a bullmarket. follow people that have been in this game for atleast 2 full cycles. would you go to a surgeon thats 2 years into medical school having 'surgeon' on his twitter? I hope not. same goes in finance. people with no education, no proffession, or proffessional job in finance is just someone you should'nt listen to. so why would you take advice from random people ob twitter, telegram or binance feed?

I see so many people posting about losing money when listening to randoms in the feed. people posting regular updates thats shit make money, by you getting liquidated. if the influenser spams referal links, they get money on your fees, they make their money by getting your ass liquidated.

please be safe out there, and remember that 99/100 people lose money with leverage, keep it spot and thank me later.

#TrendingTopic #pepe #sol