8 experiences and principles for the crypto circle

Each one is a classic, worth reading repeatedly.

Share with you:


Putting profits into higher-risk projects is equivalent to not making profits. This is gambling; the best way is to put profits into BTC/ETH/stablecoins/fiat currencies

(There is no always good luck, one mistake and everything is gone)


Projects with cult culture may make you rich overnight. The premise is to leave before the collapse

(Projects with cx mode are all good things, it depends on what level you are)


Locking up a certain token to get extra income is a stupid behavior. This is equivalent to putting yourself on a sinking ship

(Don't believe any lock-up, the project party with money doesn't lack money, unless the bull market flies to the sky)


Your attention and energy are valuable assets. Don't waste time on some boring events

(Learn more, even if it is to develop contacts, so-called bootlickers are better than playing xx)


Be cautious to participate in projects that exaggerate their own project returns. There is no free lunch in the world; staking - getting income - compounding, it looks seamless on the surface, but every extra income will bring extra risk

(The bigger the hype, the faster it dies)


Be skeptical of any source of information. Everyone should have their own independent thinking ability, and figure out why they spread these messages? What is the purpose?

(Be vigilant but don't exclude)


When a new narrative appears, lean towards the market leaders. They have the first-mover advantage and market share

(Buy the head of new things, no one remembers the second)




Using too many tools will drag you down. You don't need to use more than 50 tools to help you with your research, using Etherscan, Debank, DeFiLlama, etc. is enough

(Choose what suits you, have the ability to write yourself).