How To Avoid Liquidation with These Actions:⚛️

Risk Management: ❕Set reasonable leverage and risk only a small portion of your capital per trade. Protect your account from sudden price swings.

Stop-Loss Orders: Always employ stop-loss orders to cap potential losses. Set them at a level where you're comfortable accepting the loss based on your analysis.

Diversify Trades: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. Spread your trades across different assets or pairs to mitigate risk.

Monitor Positions: Keep a close eye on your open positions, especially in volatile markets. Stay informed about market developments and news.

Take-Profit Orders: Secure profits by setting take-profit orders when the market moves in your favor. Avoid the temptation to hold onto positions for too long.

Understand Liquidation Price: Know your liquidation price and ensure it's well below critical support levels to withstand market fluctuations.

Stay Informed: Stay updated on market conditions, news, and events that could impact your trades. Informed decisions lead to better outcomes.

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Disclaimer: Includes third-party opinions. No financial advice.