Scammers may use fake or doctored screenshots of profitable trades in order to deceive and scam people into investing in their trading schemes. They generally trade in cents to generate high end profit screenshot like 1000% 2000% profits as such position in cents too easy to average and their profits seems high ends. They may use these screenshots to create a false impression of success and convince people to invest in their schemes.

It's important to be cautious when someone presents you with screenshots of their trading profits, and to do your own research before investing in any trading scheme. Here are some tips to help you identify potential trading scams:

  1. Unrealistic profit claims: Be wary of traders who promise high profits with little or no risk. Trading always involves some level of risk, and there are no guarantees of profit. Scammers may use fake screenshots of trading profits to lure people into their scams. They may claim that the screenshots show their own trading profits, but in reality, the screenshots may be doctored or obtained from elsewhere. Scammers may use these screenshots to create a false impression of success and convince people to invest in their schemes. They may promise high profits with little or no risk, which is unrealistic and should be a red flag for potential investors.

  2. Pressure to invest quickly: Scammers may pressure you to invest quickly, before you have had time to fully research the trading scheme. Be cautious of anyone who tries to rush you into investing.

  3. Lack of transparency: Be cautious of traders who are not transparent about their trading strategies, or who refuse to provide detailed information about their trading activities.

  4. Lack of credentials: Check the credentials of the trader or trading platform before investing. Look for traders who are registered with reputable organizations, and who have a track record of success.

  5. Do your own research: Take the time to research the trader or trading platform on your own. Look for reviews and feedback from other investors, and do not rely solely on the information provided by the trader.

Remember, if something seems too good to be true, it probably is. Always be cautious when investing in any trading scheme, and do your own research to ensure that you are making a wise investment decision.