The @wormholecrypto airdrop has been confirmed alongside the release of the tokenomics of their token, $W. 👇

- Maximum Supply: 10,000,000,000

- Initial circulating supply: 1,800,000,000

- Token Format: Native ERC20 and SPL (using Wormhole’s Native Token Transfer standard)

$W Token Allocation:

- Guardian Nodes: 5.1%
- Community & Launch: 17%
- Core contributors: 12%
- Ecosystem & Incubation: 31%
- Strategic Network Participants: 11.6%
-Foundation Treasury: 23.3%


82% of W are initially locked and such tokens will unlock over four years.

The snapshot for this airdrop has already been taken.

Wormhole has facilitated a massive $39B since its inception 3 years ago and has more than 200+ dApps utilizing its interoperability infrastructure. Given their success to date, this might be one of the biggest airdrops of 2024.
