
#GAI (Google AI)

I think this is a scam, main reasons for my claim are as the following:

▪︎Google launches GoogleAI coin and its not on any mainstream media, social media networks and not even on Google itself.

• A coin from GoogleAI would be released and none of the exchanges are listing or even talking about it, plus it's no where to be found on CoinGecko.

• I have visited the link representing this Google AI token:

It looks cheap, fake and phony and a techgiant like Google wouldn't have such low quality content represent they're name. So long story short, I decided to check the legitimacy of the website and please see for yourself:

Google AI Token's website is from Iran? Since when?

Guys please double check and triple check all the sources before getting involved... Stay Safe!!!

link to the source:

Google AI GAI $0.00000002 +1.35% @CoinMarketCap 🚀

#Write2Earn #CryptoScam #cybersecurity