Ronin could very well be the next BNB.

As one of the early holders of Ronin since its inception in early 2022, after extensive research, I have decided to continue accumulating and holding Ronin for the long term. This article will analyze why I am bullish on Ronin.

For a long-term investment in a project, Ronin ticks off the following success criteria:

1. Financial backing from reputable sources.

2. Large user base.

3. Superior internal controls and information security compared to most currencies (having paid hefty tuition fees in billions of USD).

4. Real-world use cases (one of the few cryptocurrencies bridging to real-life scenarios).

5. Abundance of Gamefi developers and projects.

6. Fast and inexpensive side chains.

Many projects achieve only one of the above criteria, or even none at all, yet still command extremely high valuations. There are even numerous meme coins whose purpose I don't understand but still have incredibly high valuations. Ronin has waited patiently before being listed on Binance, and I believe they are well-prepared.

Over the past two years, I have continuously observed their added services and team. This is the Gamefi platform I am most bullish on, where one can see the prototype of the movie "Ready Player One" in Ronin.

My average cost of holding Ronin is 3.2, held for two years. With the ecosystem fully established, a conservative reasonable valuation is around 40-50 billion USD. Therefore, my estimated target price for Ronin is 200. If the integration of virtual and real and the usability scenarios are confirmed, a valuation exceeding 100 billion USD would still be reasonable. Currently, the valuation of Ronin token is less than 800 million USD, making it essentially a treasure trove project. If you find this article absurd, feel free to comment below and laugh at me. But remember to come back and like it when it hits 200.