🚀 Binance Implements Comprehensive Measures to Address Community Concerns

In response to community concerns and discussions surrounding the RONIN listing, Binance co-founder Yi He has announced proactive measures to enhance transparency and security in currency listings.

The key initiatives include:

1. **Strengthening Internal Processes:**

- Reinforcement of internal processes across business and research teams involved in currency listings.

- Stricter internal management with immediate warnings and termination for information leakage.

2. **Enhanced External Partner Guidelines:**

- Stricter guidelines for external partners in communication and handling project information.

- Cancelation of listings in case of information leaks, with pending listings contingent on adjustments.

3. **Improved Technical Monitoring:**

- Enhancement of technical monitoring capabilities to detect potential script-driven monitoring of trading pairs and announcements.

- Vigilance to maintain the stability of the Binance ecosystem.

4. **Increased Transparency:**

- Disclosure of contact information, including the application link for currency listings and official business Telegram contact information.

5. **Incentivizing Reports and Rewards:**

- Substantial rewards for reports related to currency listing and corruption.

- Confidentiality for those reporting corrupt team members, with rewards ranging from $10,000 to $5 million.

6. **Blacklisting Corrupt Employees:**

- Permanent blacklisting of projects and funds associated with verified corrupt employees who join other ventures.

- Encouragement for major funds to conduct background checks on prospective employees.

These measures underscore Binance's commitment to transparency, security, and community engagement. Users are encouraged to actively participate in maintaining the integrity of the Binance ecosystem.

#Binance #Transparency #SecurityInitiatives #RONIN
