One of the most crucial components of developing a trading strategy is the establishment of a filtering regimen. But what exactly is a filtering regimen? It refers to the set of conditions defined within a strategy that dictate our actions based on specific market behaviors. For example, the regimen might include rules that if the candles are positioned or behaving in a certain manner, we either proceed with or abstain from entering a transaction. This approach aids us in several significant ways:

1. **Decision-making:** It facilitates the execution of transactions that are of higher quality and more accurate by adhering to predefined criteria.

2. **Risk Management:** It helps in mitigating risks by preventing decisions driven by emotions, thus enforcing a more disciplined approach.

3. **Customization:** It allows for flexibility in trading, as individuals can tailor their trading rules to fit their unique strategies, which we refer to as the Filtering Regimen.

As traders, we thrive in volatile markets. We seek opportunities in the chaos, aiming to capitalize on the fluctuations to maximize our gains.