Beginners Guide To Earn money through Crypto with almost no risk

1. Simple Earn / Stacking

Simply put your money in a pool and get interest on your money. USDT pool is recommended since it has the highest flexibility and APR combo. which means you can take your money whenever you want! this got no risk as far as I know and you can get around 1% or your money every month! better than bank interest, as safe as one

2. P2P Fiat trading

buy and sell fiat currency at your own rate. The beauty in crypto currency is you can sell money for profit. for example you buy usdt at 0.99 usd and sell it at 1.00 usd. you just make 1% in your money, and you can do this all day since the market is open 24/7 . there is almost no risk in this model as long as you are careful with your trade to avoid trouble

3. Invest long term in proven Crypto currency

Simply buy or DCA on trusted coin such as Bitcoin and hold it long term is almost guaranteed to multiply your money since the demand keeps increasing while the supplies are finite. of course there is short term risk but at long term you can expect great things from buying proven crypto currency

There are many more ways to earn money such as launch pool and airdrop.

which method works best for you?

don't forget to do your due diligence and good luck!

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