The Next big thing...

I i am your friendly Neighbor 'Koala'

and this is just for enlightenment

Here you are at the second month of the year, probably wondering what the next big Thing would be, where would it come from.

how do i make it work for me?.

its a common question in the Finance sector, no one wants to be left behind,

you Either Go BIG or Go HOME!.

here is a secret for you....

(1) Don't munch every Cookie you see!.

sometimes you will locate a new token with mind blowing potential, all the Influencers are talking about, even the big bros wants a piece of it.

fact is on most occasions such tokens have already been oversaturated, those who got in early have taken their gains, while the Influencers are orchestrating and deploying tactics to drag in the Naive ones to buy more and pump their own bags.

if possible avoid Degen plays and focus on Ecosystem built projects,

Deploy this Strategy

use 'Coin market cap' to check the overall market and notice if the token you like is somehow tied to the performance of another Stable Token ($JTO to $SOL )

use 'Spot on chain' to check if money is

"Flowing in" or "Flowing out".

use 'Crypto bubble' for frequent checks and the percentage of Gain or Loss.

this strategy will provide a beginner's & professional guide into making gains in Web3

and always remember to #DYOR🟱.